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The Three Encounters
2009/08/28 08:04:15瀏覽400|回應0|推薦1

The first time I saw you,

You took my hands to the world of dancing

I was drinking your scent from your steps

Your dancing shoelaces circled me to the end of the rainbow

My red shoes, then, destined to go around for you, forever

The 2nd time I saw you

You gave me a free ride to the world of your love

I was embracing your body linked with your soul

Your smile was like the sunshine, taking me to your inner heart

My smile, thus, bound to smile for you, always

The 3rd time I saw you

You brought me to the world of your gaze

I was growing a strong attachment to you,  

Your sensual touch awoke me to a sense of sexual longing

My heart, hence, fated to open for you, constantly

Every time we meet, I die a little

On those dancing halls of fragrance

On those roofs of forbidden taboo

On those scars of broken-love

Only by reciting my poems, I survive

(The poem was written on August 28, 2009; the photo shot in 2008)





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