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MMOexp: Someone has Finished Elden Ring
2024/07/31 11:11:32瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0
Prolific and experienced Dark Souls speedrunner Distortion2 continues to set new speedrunning records for Elden Ring. He has now beaten Elden Ring in under 37 minutes, which could be the record-breaking time for the fastest time to Elden Ring Runes complete.

In a video posted earlier in the day, Distortion2 was able to complete Elden Ring in just 36 minutes and 20 seconds. While the community of speedrunners and categories about Elden Ring are still forming, its believed to be the most speedy "Any%" speedrun for the newly released RPG.

Although its impressive that you can overcome such a massive and often tough game so quickly, what makes it even more impressive is the fact that Distortion2 has been on a roll lately. A few days ago, he made what is believed to be the first sub-40-minute complete game. The day prior, he won the game by less than 50 minutes. He is believed to be among the not the first person to buy Elden Ring Items achieve this feat.

( 興趣嗜好電玩動漫 )
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