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2009/04/30 21:17








也特前來拜訪 祝福您平安喜樂


2009/04/26 12:16

I can tell you're still quite upset about the rumors. But the truth is
where there are people, where it exists for it's been being a part of
life since ever. If you ask me why, I can only say that it has
something to do with the dark side of the human nature.

I'm totally a happy guy and the secret is that I ignore completely the
comments which the others hold against me good and bad alike.
I always know what I'm doing and If I'm happy about it,
that's just good enough for me.

I never let others to decide if I should be happy or not. I always
think to myself: This is my life, I'll do it myself, (thank you and
a big NO to others).

It's not so hard at all to do so, try it and you'll love it for sure.

2009/04/26 12:00





2009/04/24 21:41

Oops....dear, it seems that you've spotted me, that's quick.
You're really good and that makes us even now
for I'm no longer invisible to you .
I was trying to lead you to read my translation of a book
just for your leisure purpose, but obviously
it didn't work out to stop you from studying my case.

Ain't Life A Bitch...I didn't say that,
it's the title of a song played a Belgian singer Udo Mechels,
but unfortunately  quite true most of the time.
You've got to put up with the craps in life while you enjoy
the good things in it for they never come alone. So just focus
on those which deserve your devotion and smile back at the nonsense.
You're bright enough to survive this one, I'm pretty sure.

I like the words written by D.H. Lawrence (English novelist,1885-1930)
very much, now I'd like to share them with you:

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself."

I always find enough courage to face my ragged life,
do hope it works for you,too.

Oh, by the way, dear.... nice to meet you,too.

民間公證人何叔孋事務所(621220) 於 2009/04/25 23:55 回覆:

Thanks for the words you told me. I will try to laugh at those who always tend to sully me...though it's a task.

Tolerating with certain animus from certain persons, especially when they are criticizing you in very queer and poor English, is really hard.(Ha~~ I deleted the comment. So pity that you can't read those absurdities.)

I'd  like to tell myself that: 

"Had malicious the mind, could not hold the newborn wisdom".

2009/04/23 20:58

Dear, I just came across your blog by chance and was absolutely astonished to meet your beauty and elegance in the picture. Out of curiosity, I went through your articles quickly and was sorry to learn that you once had a not so pleasant childhood. Nevertheless you’ve survived all that and look like doing quite ok right now. I do feel obliged to let you know that both your sweet visage and positive attitude toward life impress me a lot. Cheer! Keep going ….

Email:invincible.chenshane@gmail.com URL:http://www.blogtw.com/blog.php?user=shane
民間公證人何叔孋事務所(621220) 於 2009/04/24 20:01 回覆:

I'd like to say thank you for the encouragement and the compliment.
Being suffering from the romurs  makes me so angry and sad.
Browsed your blog, I find that you introduced several inspiring books.
You must be a deliberate person. Nice to meet you.


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