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Lisa、LVMH三公子又被拍到約會!零偽裝甜蜜逛美術館 Horn antenna
2024/05/03 07:38:50瀏覽8|回應0|推薦0

Standard Gain Horn Antenna

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Standard gain horn antennas are used as calibration devices that measure the gain of other antennas.

These antennas are made up of a combination of a Waveguide to Coax Adapter and Standard Gain Horn with Waveguide Input. It is a kind of simple combination but with great care and attention to create an antenna with accurate and suitable specs.

FT-RF Standard gain horn antenna product series includes waveguide sizes WR28, WR42, WR51, WR62, WR75, WR90, WR112, WR137, WR159, WR187, WR229, WR284 and WR340, WR430, WR510, WR650, WR770, WR975, WR1150, WR1500, WR1800, WR2100, WR2300, with broadband waveguide horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 320Mhz to 40 GHz depending on type and style. with the gain of 10dBi, 15dBi, 20dBi and 25dBi.

Standard Gain Horn Antenna Applications:

  • - Antenna measurement
  • - Radar Detection System
  • - Wireless Communication
  • - Spectrum Monitoring
  • - Electromagnetic interference Testing (EMI test)

BLACKPINK成員Lisa今年成立自己的個人廠牌LLOUD,並在前陣子宣布與加入美國索尼音樂的旗下子唱片公司RCA Records,將成為克莉絲汀、賈斯汀以及夏奇拉的師妹。感情方面,他在去年六月與LVMH三公子弗雷德里克阿爾諾(Frédéric Arnault)自去年六月傳出緋聞後,兩人始終未正面回應,而近日兩人又再度被網友目擊零偽裝約會,被外界解讀感情似乎依舊穩定。






文章出自: https://stars.udn.com/star/story/10092/7938174?from=udn-catenewnews_ch1022
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