------------------------------------ ◎ 產品系列:亞洲唱片‧諦聽文化 咖啡香音樂3 ◎ 專輯標題:無言歌 A song with unspoken words《夢‧無言‧咖啡香》 ------------------------------------ 【夢天堂】 作詞╱飛天 作曲╱林兮 手動播放
明知夢不能做太長 I know I cannot dream for too long, 還是捨不得放 but I just cannot let it go. 只要不到絕望 As long as it's not hopeless, 什麼都無傷 all will be harmless.
明知夢只能有一場 I know I can dream only once, 仍將它犛成行 but still, I write it down in words, 一冊冊的收藏 then collect volumes of work, 做成夢天堂 building a heaven of dreams.
目前票數 是寂寞在心上寫了字。 讓夜裡的涼風,吹起舊時光,如奼紫嫣紅遍開。 那川流不息的車光水影,如生命的許多事,從不肯停留。 許是今夜星光滿天,你聽過思念的聲音嗎? 嗯!我聽過。 Solitude leaves a trace in my heart. Night breeze blows, reminding me of the good old days, as brilliant as flowers in bloom. What happens in life never stays long, so much transient as an endless flow of cars or streams. Tonight stars fill the sky; I wonder if you've ever heard the sound of memory. Yes, I have. 01.【星光滿天】Starry night 3:35 手動播放 作詞/ 飛天
Starry starry night 無盡的風吹送情懷 想你的心 夜夜徘徊 依偎在滿天星海
Starry starry night 思念無法停止節拍 只想與你 纏綿依賴 追尋最真的愛
※就算言語已蒼白 星光滿天不曾年邁 牽著你的手 美麗的承諾 是否人生舞台 許下一生的安排
看那花謝花開 不管春去秋又來 歲月不再 深情不改 永遠都與你同在
Starry starry night 霓虹閃爍溫柔色彩 藍藍的夜 星光之外 與你墜入情海 回選單 ↑
02.【劇中人】The actor 3:51
你說:初識即是重逢。是嗎? 憶不起千年,魂縈夢迴不走, 日月無情,一世世的錯過。 能不能別再拿,曲終人散不散,來問我。 我的樓已有昏黃的光,難伺候。 You said, meeting for the first time in this life is the reunion for the previous life. I can't remember the past thousands of years, lingering on my mind. The heartless sun and moon, I have missed one life after another. Can you not ask me this question: will we part in the long run? Dim light sheds on the floor, and my heart is difficult to take care of.
你說:記憶可以打開,過往不再秘藏。 你說:只有特別的人懂得獨享。 來去之間,走失了這古老囈語, 是誰給的記憶,就這麼,叫彼此多望了一眼。 You said, the box of memory can be opened, and the past is not mysterious anymore. You said, only special ones know how to enjoy the old memories alone. People come and leave, and the old whispering memories are lost. Who creates the memories? The memories that make us give each other one more glance. 03.【從妳的眼睛】Through your eyes 5:47 手動播放 作詞/ 淺淡.林兮
那時一片銀華,日子全被潑灑。 你的愛,來的熱烈又放肆, 我只能迴身慌亂收拾.... 瞧見了嗎?心再也拘管不住, 是不是該把自己,交還給你。 The impressions for the days in that period of time shines like silver. Your love comes so passionately and recklessly, and all I can do is turn around and clear up the chaos. Do you see this? I can't control my heart anymore. Should I put myself in your hands?
05.【你對我的好】How nice you've been to me 3:32
累世的明白,我們彼此如依生的蘿絲糾纏。 以今生的註記,寫成情有獨鍾的叼絮, 將每個念頭,裁剪了一生情債,作皈依。 Accumulating the understanding for each other life after life, We, like the entwining vines, get entangled with each other. We mark this life and write a song of fascination, turning every idea into the debt of love, seeking the mantle of faith.
像吐盡了的春蠶。 是不是也無法知道,會幻化為彩蝶,還是以為生命己經終了。 究竟在那之前,它心上想著的,是什麼? Like a silkworm in spring, I find it difficult to know if I would become a butterfly, or come to the end of life. Before that, what exactly does the silkworm bear in mind? 06.【是我放縱了你】Your freedom, my regret 4:12 作詞/ 花見山‧飛天
手中掬著陽光的沙漏,日子堆積成歲月。 我們的記憶在這裡。 從此,心中有了影子,是你的名。 I scoop up a handful of sunlight, and like an hourglass, the days falls through and pile up into age. This is where our memories are. From now on, there is a shadow in my heart; that is your name. 07.【思念海】Thinking about you 3:33 手動播放 作詞/ 普羅旺斯
離開是什麼,什麼是離開? 整個夜裡,我呆呆看著你,塗塗改改。 心事一直像夜幕,不斷襲來, 總是在日落與日出之間徘徊。 What is leaving? Leaving is what? All through the night, I gaze at you pensively, changing my answers again and again. My heavy heart, like a curtain of night, strolls back and forth between the sunset and the sunrise. 08.【這不是誰的錯】No one is to blame 3:35 手動播放 作詞/ 天晴
一個人作夢的年紀能有多長。 老覺得自己的心,像是風乾的魚, 偶而天晴時,拿出來曬曬。 這樣的日子要走多久? How long can one keep dreaming? I have always felt my heart, like a dried fish, is sometimes taken out to dry in the sun on a sunny day. How long does life like this have to go?
10.【傳 情】Express my love 4:33
回首這一切的一切,繁華落盡,夢若浮生。 這樣的夢,曾抹上了脂胭,也曾素顏以對。 其實都明白,就算塗滿了七彩斑爛的色彩, 心裡那個莫名缺憾一直都在。 Look back at everything, and all is like a dream. A dream like this, even painted with colors, is still once plain. We know clearly in our mind that no matter how colorful it used to be, the regret in our heart remains.
會讓我停留下來的原因,是因為, 你的溫柔如四季,花飛滿天, 讓我猛然回身..... 眼角的濕潤,都單單只是因為你。 The reason to keep me from leaving is that your gentleness is like the blooming flowers in the four seasons. When I turn around in a sudden, the tears in the corner of my eyes are solely because of you. 11.【流 逝】Passage 3:47 手動播放 作詞/ 飛天
常就在宜蘭大橋上,陰陽界線分明,這邊是雨,那邊是晴。 於是小時候,每天老是望著天空發呆,看彩虹。 彎著的虹橋,和彎著我的頭。 那是一個夢,向來都是單行道,現在連路也找不到。 When I was little I often walk on I-Lan Bridge, watching the sky and daydreaming. The line is clear, this side with rain and that side with sunshine. The arching rainbow, the arching head of mine. That is a dream. It used to be a one-way road, but now I can't even find where the road is. 12.【無言歌】A song with unspoken words 4:20 手動播放 作詞/ 飛天
今早天氣真好,雨在昨夜裡停了。 賴了半天的床, 在屋門口磨菇了好一陣,來來去去。 鞋子穿了又脫,脫了又穿。 決定了,今天就不上班,想要歇歇。 翻著心底的小簡札, 思緒又開始飄的很遠了..... Such a fine day today. The rain stopped last night. I stay in bed for a little while, get up and hesitate at the door for some time. I put on my shoes and take them off, and put them on again I make up my mind now: I will have today off. I want a break. Flipping through the notebook in my heart, and I get carried away, deep in thought. 13.【無論如何】No matter what 4:00 手動播放 作詞/ 飛天