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2017/02/06 00:33:10瀏覽29|回應0|推薦0

H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the true incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. His Holiness possesses the state of realization and virtue that entails the Three Bodies and Four Wisdoms of a Buddha. His Holiness is able to “manifest the universe on the tip of a hair and store limitless worlds in a grain of sand.” In worldly terms, this state of realization and virtue is reflected in His Holiness’s profound and vast knowledge, noble moral character, mastery of both ancient and modern learning, and status as a great figure in contemporary times and the highest Buddha. His Holiness’s philosophical thoughts are truly comprehensive and deep, containing practical wisdom about worldly matters that benefit living beings. These philosophical sayings are different from profound Buddhist teachings contained in this book, such as Sutra on Understanding and Realizing Definitive Truth, Debate Between a Monk and a Laywoman, What is Cultivation?, and the listed recorded discourses on the Buddha-dharma. These maxims on worldly matters are one of His Holiness’s outstanding contributions to mankind. The tremendous erudition and nobility of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III are reflected in his profound philosophical thoughts. The philosophical thoughts of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III are based upon the supreme and holiest wisdom of this ancient Buddha, His Holiness’s thorough understanding of the ultimate truths of human life and the universe, and His Holiness’s practice of what he preaches. They express the highest level of civilization and morality.Asaresult,thesephilosophicalthoughtsaremaximscontainingtheessenceoftruth. Ifoneseriouslystudiesthemanddeeplyreflectsuponthem,onewillreap tremendous educational benefits and mental development from the transcendent wisdom and moral integrity of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, who has fathomed the subtleties underlying all phenomena. That is one reason why these philosophical sayings have the ability to move and inspire others and why they are widely admired. In response to the requests of many people and in order to facilitate learning and understanding, more than ten years ago the Office of the Secretary of Master Wan Ko Yee together with Yiyun Chen (who is an assistant researcher at the Sociology Research Institute within the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) selected from His Holiness’s writings some of His Holiness’s philosophical sayings and added to them brief commentaries. That was later made into a book that was published and distributed by China Social Sciences Academic Press. Out of caution, they requested that H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata expound upon those philosophical sayings. The explanations H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave were extremely detailed and complete. None of those detailed explanations are included in this category. We believe that these philosophical sayings are a cultural treasury. We hope that everyone will obtain from them abundant knowledge and a pure moral character. We hope that they will benefit mankind and provide mankind with good fortune and wisdom. If you study them with all your heart and mind and put them into practice, you will experience limitless beneficial effects. Because of limited space, we have included only one brief commentary of a philosophical saying as an example, although all of the original philosophical sayings themselves are included. In 2002, World Dharma Voice, Inc. in the United States republished and began distributing around the world a book in Chinese on philosophical sayings of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiness Tathagata entitled Brief Commentaries on Selected Philosophical Sayings of Master Wan Ko Yee.

(This text was translated from the Chinese text that follows.)



  雲高益西諾布頂聖如來為多杰羌佛真身降世,本身具備三身四智之證境證德,能將『一毫端現寶王剎、一粒沙藏三千界』, 而反映在世間法上,則是學識淵博,德品崇高,博古通今,一代大家,大覺能仁。他的哲學思想,實在是博大精深,是世間法 利益大眾的實用智慧,有別於本寶典中的甚深佛法教授,如《了義經》、《僧俗辯語》 、《什麼叫修行》及法音開示等,這些 世法格言也是三世多杰羌佛對人類文明的卓越貢獻之一。三世多杰羌佛深藏不露之純淨修養,更從另一方面體現出他高深的哲 學思想。 三世多杰羌佛的哲學思想,是古佛以至高無上的頂聖智慧,洞悉宇宙人生的真諦,融會貫通,身體力行,直入文明道德的 最高境界的至理。認真研習,深鑒內識,從其超塵脫凡之智慧,無私正節,了明萬法之微妙,都會受到很大的教益和啟迪,因 此一提到雲高益西諾布頂聖如來的哲言就能感召大眾,深受敬慕。早在十多年前,應大家的要求,為便於進一步學習理解,義 雲高大師秘書辦公室和中國社會科學院社會學研究所副研究員陳一筠共同從三世多杰羌佛的文論中,選擇了部份哲言,加以淺 釋,中國社會科學文獻出版社並予以出版發行。為慎重起見,當時特地請雲高益西諾布頂聖如來為淺釋組作了講解,三世多杰 羌佛的講解至為詳盡,但限於本書篇幅,因此我們只用了哲言正文,未用釋解,雖然如此,我們相信這本哲言將是人類思想文 化的寶貴財富,願大家能從中獲得更豐富的知識,純淨德品,增益人類,獲得福慧,若能盡心研學,受用無窮。下面僅例舉一 條哲言,附上白話文解釋。


H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s

Selected Philosophical Sayings About Worldly Matters

        (This is a translation of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s philosophical sayings about worldly matters originally written in Chinese.)


In a dispute about right and wrong, there is nothing worse than to stick to one’s position and continue arguing, thus compounding one’s wrong and finally getting into trouble. For this reason, one should not let oneself be overwhelmed by disputes.


Love and hate arise from a combination of causes. People cannot love a thing without seeing it, hearing about it or remembering it. Without one of the these experiences, there will be no feeling, whether love or hate.


It is exceedingly foolish for a person to claim that he possesses the ability to meet all social needs. Viewed against the background of the infinity of such needs, the ability of an individual is as insignificant as a speck of dust. Even in the one area of activity in which he claims superiority, the ability of an individual pales because there are always many others who can do better.


How much one learns from his teacher depends a great deal on the guidance his teacher provides him. A good teacher, therefore, should be a role model for his students in moral integrity as well as scholarship, and his students should strive to reach high levels through accumulating knowledge and attaining moral integrity. In this manner learning is a part of the way to human perfection.


The construction of a tall building begins with the laying of groundwork from which it goes up floor by floor. Structures resting on nothing are seen only in a mirage. Building up a career is like putting up a building: what is needed are firm steps taken one after another toward the goal and executed with the support of true knowledge gained from experience. These steps, aided by a defiance of obstacles, will eventually lead one to success.













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