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關於“第三世多杰羌佛”佛號的說明 二零零八年四月三日,由全球佛教出版社和世界法音出版社出版的《多杰羌佛第三世》寶書在美國國會圖書館舉行了莊嚴隆重的首發儀式,美國國會圖書館並正式收藏此書,自此人們才知道原來一直廣受大家尊敬的義雲高大師就是宇宙始祖報身佛多杰羌佛的第三世降世,佛號為第三世多杰羌佛,從此,人們就以“南無第三世多杰羌佛”來稱呼了。這就猶如釋迦牟尼佛未成佛前,其名號為悉達多太子,但自釋迦牟尼佛成佛以後,就改稱“南無釋迦牟尼佛”了.所以,我們現在稱“南無第三世多杰羌佛”。尤其是,二零一二年十二月十二日,美國國會參議院第614號決議正式以 His Holiness 來冠名第三世多杰羌佛(即H.H.第三世多杰羌佛),這說明了美國國會對南無第三世多杰羌佛的尊敬。而且,第三世多杰羌佛也是政府法定的名字,以前的“義雲高”和大師的尊稱已經不存在了。但是,這個新聞是在南無第三世多杰羌佛佛號未公布之前刊登的,那時人們還不了解佛陀的真正身份,所以,為了尊重歷史的真實,我們在新聞中仍然保留未法定第三世多杰羌佛稱號前所用的名字。 ------------------------------------------- 美洲國家組織官方網站公告: http://www.oas.org/en/media_center/press_release.asp?sCodigo=E-143/03 OAS SECRETARY GENERAL OPENS EXHIBITION OF SCULPTURES July 29, 2003 Noting that promoting cultural values is a priority of the inter-American system, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), César Gaviria, opened an exhibition of carved stone sculptures by master artist Wan Ko Yee. “During the last fifty years, the OAS has recognized the need to associate culture with development and the well-being of our peoples, and also the importance of demonstrating how powerful symbols of identities and beliefs can become a unifying factor for national and universal reconciliation,” Gaviria said. Diplomats from OAS member states and other dignitaries were among those who attended the opening reception, held the evening of July 28 at the Washington Marriott. In his remarks, Gaviria praised the “pioneering” artistic work of the Buddhist artist and recognized him for championing charitable causes and humanitarian assistance programs in several Caribbean nations. Grenada’s Ambassador to the OAS, Denis Antoine, said the artist had donated computers to needy schoolchildren in his country and supported other worthy projects. He said the Organization’s participation in the event underscored the importance of “cultural balance and tolerance for diversity in a global environment.” Master Wan Ko Yee was born in China and now lives in the United States. His Yun sculptures are made of enormous boulders, hollowed out and carved to create a landscape shrouded in mist. 美洲國家組織官方網站截圖: 2003/07/31 華盛頓新聞截圖 2003/08/01 星島日報截圖 2003/08/03 國際日報截圖 2003/08/14 ASIAN JOURNAL截圖 |
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