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第五大道 - 熨斗區
2011/10/27 09:11:06瀏覽1237|回應33|推薦95

All of a sudden the computer doesn't let me write Chinese when I turn it on. 
I rebooted several times, but it doesn't work.  What can I do?   Maybe it's time to stop blogging.

Well, I still want to post some pictures taken on Fifth Avenue the other day.  Just to show how I found the "mermaid".  This is
 Flatiron District (第五大道 - 熨斗區) which I often watch (and take pictures) from my office window.

The Flatiron Building

The top of Flatiron Building (at Broadway)

Madison Square Park, from the other side of Fifth Avenue

Monument for William J Worth (fought Mexican-American War)

Top of the Empire State Building

The Met Life Tower, once the world's tallest building (1909 - 1913)

Tourists on the road

Souvenirs at a nearby store

and then, I found the....



(Amy 溫哥華 千里傳音 thinks she is Mermaid's mom 大笑)


... and Michael Jackson "moon walking".

Thanks to smart
 Apple Blossom,

I thought it's an "elegant lady" in the beginning.

About 熨斗大廈 (from Wikipedia

熨斗大廈(Flatiron Building)在1902年完工,當時為紐約市最高的大樓之一,同時也是早期摩天大樓的代表作、鋼架建築的先驅。地址為曼哈頓島第五大道175號,座落在23街百老匯大道第五大道交叉的一個三角形的街區上,尖頭指向麥迪遜廣場的南邊。大樓周邊的社區稱為熨斗區(Flatiron District)


(上面兩段錄自維基百科 我的電腦還是無法寫中文)

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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溫哥華 千里傳音
您的 Language icon 不見了
2011/10/27 11:34
How to change keyboard language in Windows


[溫哥華 千里傳音]
看雲 (33wang) 於 2011-10-28 11:24 回覆:
Mine is Windows 7, which was installed by a co-worker.
Perhaps he knows how to fix it, but I have to wait until he gets free time.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2011/10/27 11:11
通常 reboot 就可以,不然就要重新 set up 你的language。 我碰到太多這樣的事,所以也不知如何建議。總之沒事的。
看雲 (33wang) 於 2011-10-28 11:22 回覆:
I rebooted several times, and set up language again.  It doesn't work.
The language is there, but I cannot get the icon to select.
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