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《戀童勒索與氣候戰成為主流 闇黑勢力矩陣崩潰無法逆轉》
讓我們從精英戀童勒索網絡談起。吹牛老爹或庫姆斯(Puff Diddy/Sean Combs)的審判正讓人認識到這一現實。例如,扮演米高弗林將軍(General Michael Flynn)的演員告訴世界:「庫姆斯案子將牽涉到音樂家、運動員、政治家和媒體...這些人是神經病。他們是邪惡的。是撒旦崇拜者。」
可薩暴徒利用「名人」和文化來控制大眾的手段如今正反噬自己。音樂家賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)在2017年公開表示,他已「醒悟」到音樂產業的「邪惡」,這個產業「被最糟糕的惡棍--戀童圈所操控」。
「我不僅僅是演藝家,還是個大亨,這條路會為我打開,就像肖恩卡特(Shawn Corey Carter/Jay -Z)一樣。」
另一個例子是,奧普拉的精神顧問約翰戈德(John of God)在偏遠的農場中囚禁年輕女性,並在她們懷孕後10年內殺掉她們。這些嬰兒隨後賣給全球的權貴精英。約翰戈德與比爾克林頓、坎貝爾和(Naomi Campbell)阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramovich)等人有着密切的聯繫。這不是陰謀論,而是陰謀事實。他在巴西法庭上被判有罪。
這些真相很重要,因為它揭示了對大多數西方政棍施加的戀童勒索控制網絡。這條線索通向撒旦國家以色列。為什麼像加拿大「反對派領袖」波利耶夫(Pierre Poilievre)會公開表示以色列對伊朗核設施打擊將是對人類的「禮物」?你認為呢?

像馬斯克這樣的人物現在也開始談論此。他說:「我認為賀錦麗獲得如此多支持的部份原因是,如果特朗普獲勝,那份愛潑斯坦客戶名單將會公開,其中一些支持賀錦麗的億萬富翁對此結果感到恐懼。」他也提到霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)和比爾蓋茨也涉嫌其中。
馬利克(Malik Obama)認為他的同父異母兄弟奧巴馬「仍在掌控美國」。然而,似乎即便奧巴馬也正被其他人抓住春袋。
例如,國會議員瑪喬麗(Marjorie Talyor Greene)在推特寫道:「是的,他們可以控制天氣...當有人撒謊並說這不可能時,真是荒謬。」她是針對襲擊北卡羅來納州和佛州的颶風發表這番話的。這則帖子已被觀看超過5000萬次,並引發數億次的相關網上搜尋。


https://apnews.com/article/bill-gates-nuclear-terrapower-wyoming-climate-changee-electricity 23176f33b92b9ede7f4cf4f2ec3b
安娜瑞茨(Anna von Reitz)法官表示:「我們有確鑿的證據顯示,早期的美國家海洋和大氣管理局(NOAA)已簽訂了雲種合約,導致了赫倫颶風和米爾頓颶風的形成。我們還有證據顯示,聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)授權的傳輸用來控制這些不自然的風暴。」

這只是他們躺平並威脅政府實際行為的其中一例。另一例子是奧巴馬政府發言人卡琳(Karine Jeane Pierre)的謊言:在2022年,她明確表示飛馬營的資金被用於非法移民。
接着,布雷津斯基(Mika Brzezinski)在恐慌中想要對特朗普大聲咆哮。她知道,如果可薩暴徒失去控制,她將面臨死刑。
這裏還有另一個害怕被處決的傢伙:退休美陸軍將軍馬克米利(Mark Milley),他曾在特朗普和拜登任內擔任參謀長。若下個月賀錦麗敗選,他擔心會被召回穿上軍裝並面臨軍法審判。
調查記者弗利特伍德(Jon Fleetwood)表示,這一變化發生是因為日政府已認識到奧布戈德政府試圖利用自我增強的mRNA技術消滅其大量人口。與之簽約的三家公司之一,《Gritstone Bio》,擁有大型投資公司黑岩、先鋒和道通集團,這些資產管理公司同時也是mRNA疫苗製造商輝瑞和摩登那的持有者。
弗利特伍德還指出,黑岩和道通是世界經濟論壇的官方合作夥伴,而Gritstone Bio則收受了比爾蓋茨基金會的資金。
德國正效仿日本,與可薩暴徒斷絕關係。基督教民主聯盟/基督教社會聯盟的總理候選人梅茨(Friedrich Merz)希望成立聯絡小組,以起草俄烏戰後的歐洲秩序提案。根據波蘭秘密服務情報,德國、法國、英國和波蘭將參與其中。
俄副外長利布科夫(Sergei Rybkov)警告說,華盛頓的「深遠計劃和幻想」創造了「滑入俄與歷史上的西方之間全面衝突的可能性。」
前司法部長甘迺迪的遺孀,小羅拔的母親艾瑟(Ethel Kennedy),於星期四去世,享年96歲。她去世時知道,她的兒子最終會為父親和叔叔的謀殺獲得昭雪。

【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Oct 10, 2024
《The matrix is collapsing as pedophile blackmail and weather warfare become mainstream》
Sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years of history unfold in a matter of weeks. Think of the sacking of Rome or the first unification of China. We are in such a moment now. The entire Western control matrix is collapsing and we are headed for some sort of climax.
The biggest sign of this in the past week has been the awakening of the majority of the Western population to elite pedophile blackmail and weather warfare. The people in the truth movement have known about this for a long time. However, we have been in a bubble and preaching to the choir for most of this time. The vast majority of the people remained clueless. What is different now is people who don’t pay attention to the news and only read gossip columns are becoming aware en masse. More importantly, the military and intelligence community are now finally taking action as a result.
Let us start with the elite pedophile blackmail network. The Puff Diddy or Sean Combs trial is what is waking people up to this reality. The actor portraying General Michael Flynn, for example, is telling the world 「The Diddy case is going to implicate musicians, sports players, politicians and media…These people are psychopaths. They’re evil. They’re satanic.」
The Khazarian Mafia’s use of 「celebrities」 and celebrity culture to control the masses is now blowing up their faces. The musician Justin Bieber came out in 2017 to say he has 「woken up」 to the 「evils of the music industry」 that is 「controlled by the absolute worst kind of people – pedophiles.」
Describing a party on tour – attended by the upper echelon of the music business, including executive VPs of development, producers, power agents and international financiers – Bieber said he was encouraged to sexually abuse a young child who had been brought to the party for the sexual gratification of the industry elite.
「I didn’t want to do this. I really didn’t. They said this kid was drugged, it was horrible,」 Bieber said, explaining that it was made clear to him that he would gain entry to the 「business side of the industry」 if he 「joined the club」 by passing the initiation rites.
「I wouldn’t just be a performer, I’d be a mogul. That path would open up for me like it did for Jay-Z.」
「It’s the difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire.」
But Bieber told the congregation that he couldn’t do it.
「To join the club I’d have to do bad things to this poor kid. But then I realized that even that wasn’t enough for them. I’d also have to kill this little child.」
「I got told they secretly film these parties. Once they’ve got you on video doing something like that, they own you.」
「They said this kid was raped by a few different guys. They said he was bleeding. I got out of there but I heard he died and that haunts me.」
The original link I had for this story was replaced with a report from the Australian Parliament on 「foreign election interference.」 The next five links were also debunking this. Yet, after that hundreds and probably thousands and possibly millions of links had the original story. Here it is:
The story was buried when it originally came to light but now everybody is hearing about it. This means the BlackRock and Vanguard controllers of Google are losing the ability to shape the narrative.
In another example, Oprah’s spiritual adviser John of God kept young women captive in remote farms where he impregnated them and murdered them after 10 years of giving birth. These babies were then sold to elite VIPs around the world. John of God is closely tied to Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Marina Abramovich, among others. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy fact. He was found guilty of this by a Brazilian court.
These stories are important because they reveal the network of pedophile blackmail control used on most Western politicians. The trail leads to the Satanic state of Israel. Why else do you think politicians like Canadian 「opposition leader」 Pierre Poilievre would come out publicly and say an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be a 「gift to humanity.」 
Why is he calling for what amounts to triggering nuclear Armageddon?
Now take a tour of the US Congress and Senate  and ask yourselves why they represent Israel and not their own constituents. I guarantee you they are all bribed and blackmailed.
People like Elon Musk are also now coming out and talking about this. He said, 「I think part of why Kamala Harris is getting so much support is that if [Donald] Trump wins, that Epstein client list is going to become public and some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome.」 Musk names Reid Hoffman and Bill Gates are being implicated.
In an attempt to exonerate himself, Gates appeared on Australian TV and admitted to 「having dinner with Epstein.」 He visited Epstein’s island 37 times! That’s not just having a few dinners
Musk says 「Between Diddy and Epstein there’s probably several thousand hours of footage here.」
FBI investigators on the Diddy case have seized snuff tapes recorded by Jay-Z and Beyoncé, exposing their role in a series of ritual killings and sacrifices of A-list stars and their family members, including children, an industry insider reveals.
Our own sources say Diddy is making a plea bargain with the Justice Department and has provided them with tapes of Barack 「Thunder of Satan」 Obama raping and murdering a child.
This is important because Kamala Harris is just a human-robot remotely controlled by Obama as the video below demonstrates.
Malik Obama believes his half-brother former President Barack Obama is 「still running the country.」 However, it appears even Obama is being blackmailed by someone else.
So the question arises as to who is ultimately in control. This was the subject of a high-level meeting between US military and Asian secret societies in Japan last weekend. The meeting led to an agreement to dissolve the State of Israel, in which the ultimate control read. It is replaced by the state of Judea, which grants all residents full citizenship. The Jews are protected and the satanists are arrested. They agreed that the satanic Chabad sect is a legitimate military goal to be eliminated. Chabad has been forensically identified as the group that controls the ongoing plot to trigger World War III, kill 90% of humanity and enslave the survivors.
Here you can see how its leader Benyamin Netanyanyahu boasted in 2006: 「The secret is that we have America … we have the Senate, Congress and a record-breaking Jewish lobby on our side.」
That was decades ago, today it is much greater control of the US.
These people now use a 100% computer graphics beyamin Netanyhus to stay in control. In the video below, Netanyahu says that Israel has eliminated Hezbollah leader Nasrallah himself, his successor and the successor of his successor.」 Notice the breakdowns in the video and the cut out segments.
Netanyahu has long been gone and the reality is that the Israeli military has suffered a heavy defeat.
The Polish secret service tells us that 「by the retaliation of Iran against Israel, 29 Israeli F35 aircraft, an airport and an air base near Tel Aviv, a fuel base, many Merkava tanks, the headquarters of Mossad, secret agents and strategic radar stations in Israel have been destroyed, such as Al-Jazeera, Hindustan Times, China, Pakistan, Pakistan, etc.
British intelligence and CIA sources confirm that Israel will soon cease to exist. The head of MI6 said:
「The [Israeli] aggression is excessive and equals a war crime. It has to be stopped. This means in international law and martial law that Israel’s reaction is disproportionate and excessive, that it not only aims to neutralize the opponent, but also to wipe out an entire civilian population – a war crime and a crime against humanity – genocide. Jabalia and the northern Gaza Strip are the locations of the crime, while all eyes are on Lebanon. This is a multi-pronged approach to distract attention and make the offensive more secret. It must be terminated voluntarily by Jerusalem or enforced by the international community.」
You won’t read this in the US media, but that doesn’t change reality. Israel is finished.
Another reality is that the KM is about to lose its ability to control us by weather.
For example, MP Marjorie Talyor Greene wrote on X: 「Yes, they can control the weather… It’s ridiculous when someone is lying and saying it’s not possible.」She wrote this in response to the hurricanes that struck North Carolina and Florida. It has been viewed over 50 million times and triggered hundreds of millions of online searches on the subject.
Again, KM-controlled companies like Google desperately tried to suppress this information. The first 20 or so entries on Google about their statement were attempts to expose them. They even deleted the notes I had about it from my computer. But here, too, the control failed, because people have learned that the top search results are censorship of Google and dig deeper. In addition, people like me have learned to always make backups on a removable hard drive.
Today, the KM is increasingly resorting to weather manipulations, becausee this seems to be one of the last secret weapons with which they are trying to control the masses. This now comes to light on a large scale.
Another example: The Polish intelligence informs us that the companies listed on the FEMA website and the house inspections of the victims of Hurricane Helen in North Carolina belong to Vanguard and BlackRock. The same company that owns the majority of the lithium mine in the area, thus 「inspects」 the properties of the victims they want.
In Florida, there was a massive evacuation due to the Milton hurricane. This is the I-75 in Tampa.
In addition, there were issued last week, the TWO NOT dates to Florida in a single state in US history.
It looks like there is a hurricane and tornado machine somewhere.
Did you know was a there a 2009 hurricane exercise where Tampa Bay was hit directly by a very devastating Category 5 hurricane called Phoenix in October?
Imagine Bill Gates is funding Tampa’s plans to convert 40 acres by the water into a 15-MINUT city.
The same thing happened in Acapulco, Mexico, while all eyes were on Florida. Here, too, the inhabitants are cleared to build a 15-minute city.
You can’t think that up.
In Wyoming, an area of over 73,000 hectares is burning and an end is not in sight. The cause? Lightning… but here is the catch – there was no thunderstorm.
Could somehow be related to the nuclear power plant that Bill Gates plans to build there?
https://apnews.com/article/bill-gates-nuclear-terrapower-wyoming-climate-changee-electricity 23176f33b92b9ede7f4cf4f2ec3b
We hear that Bill Gates is being released. If this is true, it will appear in all news as an announcement of his death. Personally, I would prefer that he appears before a war crimes tribunal and then faces up to justice.
The use of weather warfare against civilians is one of his many war crimes. You want to know how people like him can do something like him? Look no further … than the HAARP machines around the world.
「We have sound evidence that NOAA, an earlier UNITED STATES franchise, has issued contracts for cloud seeds that have resulted in both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. We also have evidence that FCC-licensed transmission to have been used to control these unnatural storms,」 says Judge Anna von Reitz.
She adds: 「We recently caught a convoy of trucks loaded with firearms, grenades, water cannons and similar war supplies and were on the road to FEMA camps in the disaster area. It is obvious that the sender intended to arm FEMA as a foreign mercenary force operating on the state’s soil and affecting one area in several states. We have therefore confiscated these weapons and are investigating the source.」
There is also a counter-attack in Florida. Governor Ron DeSantis says: 「FEMA does not have the say here! You will not see FEMA running in Florida Amok. I am the sheriff who is in charge here!」
Faced with this kind of resistance, the demons of the Deep State and their backers are trying everything to steal the choice.
The number of illegal immigrants in the swing states has increased hundreds of percent during the Biden-Harris government, as court records shown.
Georgia – 401%
North Carolina – 446%
Pennsylvania – 241%
Arizona – 734%
Nevada – 562%
Michigan – 775%
Wisconsin – 467%
They also try to make Kamala Harris look like she actually has a functioning brain.
Donald J. Trump
(realDonaldTrump) on X
A gigantic fake news scam from CBS & 60 Minutes. Their REAL ANSWER WAR FOR YOU ARE OR DUM, so they have replaced them with another answer to save them or at least make them look better. An FAKE NEWS SCAM that is completely illegal. ENTZUG OF CBS-LENZ. Election influence.
The videos can be found in the X-Link below:
It is quite obvious that Kamala is cooked. When asked what she would would do differently than Biden, she says, 「I can’t think of it.」
No wonder a blank book listed by Kamala Harris’s 「Achievements」 becomes an Amazon bestseller and blows social media into turmoil.
In a desperate attempt to polish their image, Kamala Harris invited the North Carolina National Guard to load a freight plane with disaster relief efforts, only to take a picture without the intention of actually delivering the relief supplies to the storm victims.
This is just one example of lying down and thread about what their government is actually doing. Another example is the lies of Karine Jeane Pierre, the spokeswoman for the Obama administration: in 2022, she clearly said that FEMA funds were used for illegal immigrants.
Now it denies that FEMA has been used for illegal immigrants.
They also become more hysterical in their anti-Trump rhetoric. In the following video, CNN compares Trump with Hitler and claims that he will 「eradicate whole groups of people.」
Next, Mika Brzezinski wants babble over Trump in PANIK. She knows that she will have to expect the death penalty if the KM loses its control, and it will lose control.
It has come so far that a professor at the University of Kansas openly declared that men who refuse to vote for Kamala should Harris be executed.
It is quite clear that it is he him himself who fears the execution.
Here is another person who fears the execution:
Mark Milley, a retired U.S. Army General, who was was chairman of the General Staff under Donald Trump and Joe Biden, fears calling back in uniform and put before a court martial, should defeat Kamala Harris next month and return to power.
These are signs that the KM puppets lose control of the narrative and panic. Another example is the unelected head of the UN non-governmental organisation, who speaks in fear.
「The lackeys of the Deep State are making themselves in the pants in the face of what is all coming to them,」 comments a CIA source.
Here is a way people can regain control. In November 2023, a small town in Michigan triggered its corrupt government … and then changed castles of the town hall.
It is time to do the same for Washington DC and the UN.
Japan takes the lead and is now becoming the first G7 country to free itself from the control of the KM. The new Japanese government under Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is breaking off relations with the Obgoid government and joins forces with the Weißhut Alliance, Japanese right-wing sources say that are close to the Emperor.
This is happening because the Japanese government has recognized that the Obligation government is trying to wipe out alarge part of its population with self-reinforcing mRNA vs. One of the three contracted companies, Gritstone Bio, owns the large investment firms BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, 「the same asset managers who also own mRNA vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna,」 says the investigative journalist Jon Fleetwood.
Fleetwood also pointed out that BlackRock and State Street are official partners of the World Economic Forum and that Gritstone Bio has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Japanese underworld has received a complete list of doctors who have received bribes in exchange for the approval of this vaccine, and they are all being hunted down, Asian intelligence sources say.
Japan has sent a clear message to Bill Gates – its time is coming. The government’s COVID task force quickly exposes its crimes, and the walls against the globalist king are becoming ever closer.
Japanese scientists are now taking a stand and calling on international prosecutors to sue Gates for crimes against humanity. Among them are world-famous experts such as Dr. Fukushima, which sound the alarm and make shocking discoveries that some vaccines contains abortion drugs intended for depopulation.
Germany is following Japan and breaking with the KM. CDU/CSU chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz wants to set up a contact group to draw up a proposal for a European order after the war in Ukraine. According to information from the Polish secret service, Germany, France, Great Britain and Poland are said to be involved.
This is happening at a time when the Ukrainian regime is increasingly collapsing. The Ukrainian fascist dictator Vladimir Zelenskij is now calling for a ceasefire, which is no longer up for debate, as Russian FSB sources report.
Russian military emitters have collected evidence of brutal killings of civilians by Ukrainian troops and mercenaries.
In addition, the United States is making plans with Ukraine to exclude Russia from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) after Russia has submitted its findings on the use of chemical weapons by Kiev to the organization.
These crimes are caused by the death penalty, and the war crimes tribunals will soon come.
A complete Russian victory is in sight, as a considerable number of Ukrainian troops on Russian territory (near Kursk) is 「prisoned」.
「Our enemies, the Ukrainian armed forces, are on the run. They are demoralized and try to escape without turning around the first contact withe,」 says the commander of the deep after-depth strainer squad Battlegroup Center.
Washington’s 「far-reaching plans and fantasies」 creates the 「possibility of slipping into a comprehensive conflict between Russia and the historic West,」 warns Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rybkov.
He does not need to worry, because the White Helmets in the US military will not allow the KM to use the Third World War as a free ticket for prison sentences.
Of course, we need to eliminate the recent remnants of KM control before you 「insert a digital process that allows them to restrict your movements, behavior, and decisions with a mouse click.」
Another example of trying to keep control is the attempt by the New York government to pass a law called Proposition One. If it is passed, it will be made easier for the government to take away children from their parents.
They are still trying to kill us with vaccines. Moderna is under attack after offering 12 to 18-year-olds payments of 1,500 pounds via WhatsApp to test vaccines.
Thanks to RFK Jr. and his efforts to bring the truth to light, a study of 1.7 million children found that heart muscle inflammation and heartuffuritis occurred exclusively in those who received the COVID-19 vaccines.
His mother, Ethel Kennedy, the widow of the assassinated US politician Robert F. Kennedy died on Thursday at the age of 96. She died knowing that her son would finally gain justice for the murder of his father and uncle.
Ok, let’s conclude this week with some pleasant news. First, we learned that DARPA frontman Elon Musk presented the humanoid Optimus robots developed by Tesla.
According to a source from the Pentagon, these are only a foretaste to prepare the masses for what will come very soon. They know that they have much more advanced humanoids than what is reveed to the public.
The next is a picture of an 800 year old oak. If you want to hear a bird sing, do not buy a cage, but plant a tree. If the heat bother you – plant a tree. If you are disturbing water – plant a tree. If you like fruits – plant a tree. And if you love life – plant many trees. A 100-year-old beech 「produces」 1,200 litres of oxygen per hour. This amount of oxygen can only be 「produced」 by planting about 2,700 young trees.
This author personally has planted over 300,000 trees during four seasons tree planting work in Canada. I am very proud of this achievement.
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