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2024/10/10 14:29:40瀏覽806|回應0|推薦0

「在過去的48小時,成千上萬的以色列人在伊朗飛彈襲擊中喪生。國防部長加蘭特(Yoav Galant)已遇難。半條跑道被摧毀,30架美國F-35戰鬥機也被完全摧毀。」
摩薩德消息證實:「以色列正處於新的領導層之下,由防軍總參謀長哈勒維(Herzi Halevi)掌舵。國防部長加蘭特已掛掉。」


「如果以色列試圖轟炸伊朗的核設施,伊朗在飛彈到達目標之前就會得知,並將會被中和。伊朗將發射兩枚高超音速核飛彈,一枚瞄準特拉維夫,另一枚瞄準海法。以色列將不再存在。這些飛彈的速度可達25馬赫,能在3分鐘內抵達特拉維夫。它是任何已知技術無法探測的。此次攻擊中使用的速度較慢的高超音速飛彈,從伊朗到特拉維夫需要10分鐘。它摧毀了鋼鐵圍欄(Iron Dome)以及其他更多設施。在伊朗,有一些以色列的猶太人假裝成伊朗人,擔任非常高級的部長職位,為以色列工作。他們的名字是眾所周知的,而且還持有美國護照。」

在天主教會面臨麻煩的另一個跡象是,10月1日舉行了一次主教緊急會議或會議,發出了一份針對神職人員性虐待兒童的懺悔,表示「我們感到羞愧」。紅衣主教奧馬利(Sean O’Malley)在聖彼得大教堂的懺悔守夜中代表教會宣佈的請求寬恕中說:「我請求寬恕,感到羞愧,因為我們信徒在多少次中都是共犯,或直接犯下良知的濫用、權力的濫用和性虐待...我們利用神職和奉獻生活的身份犯下這可怕的罪,感到安全和受到保護,同時卻惡劣地利用弱小者和貧困者。神啊,請寬恕我們。」
這是一個波蘭基督教情報機構員工對天主教會的看法: 「教堂的鐘聲呼喚人們來跪下如同奴隸,而不是從膝蓋上起身來為其籌款。教堂的塔樓上曾有鐘,然後換成十字架,這就是他們阻礙能量流動的方式。所有參與殺害兒童、製造腎上腺素和接受它的梵蒂岡惡徒,將其身體化為灰燼。」
梵蒂岡的美公司崩潰已引發軍方內部的內戰,將美太空指揮部與位於北卡羅來納州布拉格堡(Fort Bragg)的特種部隊和心理戰指揮部對立起來。

阿什維爾的比爾特摩村(Biltmore)被徹底摧毀;由范德比爾特(Vanderbilt)家族擁有的比爾特摩莊園也遭到淹沒。實際上,下面的病態兒童藝術品屬於托尼·波德斯塔(Tony Podesta),他是「紅鞋俱樂部」的驕傲成員,也是變態及比薩門演員約翰·波德斯塔的兄弟。下面照片中懸掛着的皮膚白皙的男孩據稱是安德森·庫珀(Anderson Cooper),他在比爾特摩莊園的空蕩蕩的游泳池裏以小孩的身份為這幅「藝術」作品「擺姿勢」。該莊園現在已淹沒。范德比爾特家族,特別是格洛麗亞老母(Gloria),據說曾實踐黑巫術並信奉神秘學。格洛麗亞的長子(如圖所示)在23歲時自殺。**注意:阿什維爾是美的兒童性販賣中心,以深邃的地下隧道以及悠久的神秘主義和撒旦儀式虐待史而聞名。

位於布拉格堡(最近更名為自由堡/Fort Liberty)的特種部隊和心理戰指揮部受到了自稱撒旦教徒阿基諾(Michael Aquino)的深刻影響。阿基諾創立了塞特神廟,並與美軍兒童發展中心的系統性兒童虐待有關聯。



作為進一步的證據,看看訪問歡樂島的瑞秋(Rachel Chandler)所招募的模特(名字聽起來像「幼兒照顧工作者」)。

不妨看看誰擁有世上最大的鋰礦床以及僅在斯普魯斯(Spruce Pine)發現的特殊石英:
皮埃蒙特鋰業公司(Piedmont Lithium Inc.)
黑岩集團(Blackrock Inc.) 7.30%
先鋒集團(Vanguard Group Inc) 5.42%
英偉達(Invesco Ltd.) 4.18%
總統發言人卡琳(Karine Jean-Pierre)表示,飛馬營使用納稅人的錢安置非法移民的說法「絕對錯誤」。這很有趣,因為可以在飛馬營的網站上看到這一點:
根據福克斯新聞記者梅盧金(Bill Melugin)在8月的推特貼文,FBI安排了潛在的特朗普刺客梅爾查(Asif Merchant)進入美國。這是在積極策劃刺殺總統候選人的政府機構。
正如小羅拔甘廼迪所說: 「它是為少數華爾街銀行服務的,其功能就像抽水機。它實際上在排空中產階級的財富和資本。」
在這裏,凱特琳朗(Caitlin Long)解釋了12個儲備銀行是由未經選舉的私人部成員控制的私有公司。
凱澤(Max Keizer)解釋了正摧毀全球經濟的債務黑洞。
在他最近的演講中,俄外交部長謝爾蓋(Sergei Lavrov)總結了世界對西方及其私有化的聯合國的看法:
2005年世界首腦會議宣示其對根據聯合國憲章的目的和原則實現公正和平的承諾。然而,這一神聖的承諾並未阻止美及其盟友鼓勵當時的喬治亞領導人薩卡什維利(Mikheil Saakashvili)於2008年對南奧塞梯人民和俄維和部隊發動武裝攻擊。3年後,北約在利比亞進行軍事干預,摧毀該國並破壞了其鄰國的穩定。
俄準備為此而戰。因此,俄駐美大使安東諾夫(Anatoly Antonov)帶着工作人員、安保、加密設備和文件一起前往。
在英美之間的「灰色地帶」,也就是加拿大;MK-Ultra從未受到挑戰,反而繼續培養國家指導的刺客。在蒙特利爾進行的這個秘密項目中,一名來自加州大學伯克利分校的博士畢業生是關鍵角色,他在印度的馬德拉斯出生,當時該國仍屬於英國。在加拿大MK-Ultra刺客訓練計劃中服務的「猴子研究員」戈帕蘭(Shyamala Gopalan)是賀錦麗和瑪雅(Maya Harris)的母親。
阿根廷總統米萊在聯合國朗讀了一份真正的荷里活劇本,又一例演員冒充國家元首的情況。左翼布宜諾斯艾利斯報紙《Página 12》週五報導稱,米萊「逐字複製了」電視劇中虛構總統巴特利特(Josiah Bartlet)的獨白,並表示「這看起來像小說,但並非如此」。
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/04/argentina-javier-milei-accused-plagiarising-un-speech-west-winghttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/ 04/argentina-javier-milei-accused-plagiarizing-un-speech-west-wing
例如,根據比利時律師范朗根頓克(Philippe Vanlangendonck)的說法,前北約秘書長斯托爾滕貝格(Stoltenberg)因其行為,包括操縱俄烏衝突,可能在比利時法律下應該判處終身監禁。


【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Oct 7, 2024
《Israel ends and US civil war begins》
Truly biblical scale events continue as the Khazarian Mafia-controlled Western power structure implodes. The State of Israel has been decapitated, the Catholic Church is bankrupt and full-scale civil war has begun in the United States.
Let us start with Israel. The October 1st Iranian missile attack on Israel was far more devastating than has been reported in the Western media. A Pentagon source says:
「Many, many thousands of Israelis have been killed in the Iranian missile attack in the past 48 hours. Yoav Galant, the Minister of Defense, has been killed. Half of the runways have been obliterated along with 30 US F-35 jets, completely destroyed. All of this is being withheld by the Israelis. The Zionists are scared shitless. The State of Israel may not exist by the 15th of October.」
Mossad sources confirm 「Israel is under new leadership with Herzi Halevi, Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces at the helm. Yoav Galant, the minister of Defense, has been killed.」
The sources add 「Meanwhile Bibi [Netanyahu] is somewhere in another dimension as well. Hopefully burning in hell. Like a pig on a spit roast.」
Further confirmation came from P3 Freemasons who pointed to 「inconsistencies in a video released of just over two minutes of Netanyahu. At the beginning, Netanyahu has at his side the head of the Mossad, Barnea, and a high-ranking Israeli military man. At the end, there are two completely different characters. This is a montage of two completely different scenes and in all likelihood they are old archive images passed off as recent.」
We were also sent a video by an Israeli diplomat showing what he says was Mossad Headquarters being obliterated.
The video we posted on Saturday turns out to have been a video of an explosion in Tian Jing China from 9 years ago, however, Mossad sources did tell us the Mossad HQ had been hit and the head of Mossad is dead.
We further note Israel has not responded to the Iranian attack despite many calls to do so.
Here is the reason why, according to Iranian sources:
「If Israel attempts to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran, the Iranians will know it before the missiles are able to reach the target and will be neutralized. Iran will fire 2 hypersonic nuclear missiles, one on Tel Aviv and one on Haifa. Israel will cease to exist. These travel at Mach 25 and can reach Tel Aviv in 3 minutes. They are undetectable by any known technology. The much slower hypersonic missiles, used in this latest hit, took 10 minutes to reach Tel Aviv from Iran. They destroyed the Iron Dome and much more. There are Zionist Jews appearing as Iranians holding very high ministerial positions in Iran, working for Israel. Their names are known. They also carry US Passports.」
We are also hearing Israeli troops being sent into Lebanon are being slaughtered in mass numbers. Here you can watch a video of one column of these troops being destroyed.
Most of the above information was deleted repeatedly from my computer but, since I am used to such tricks, it was recovered using multiple backup devices.
MI6 sources report that in response to the devastation and the threats to vaporize Israel, high-level Jewish power brokers are trying to negotiate the replacement of the Satanic state of Israel with the God-affiliated new state of Judea. This will include both the native Judeans and the immigrant Jews. This new state will be allowed to rebuild the Temple on its’ original location which is nowhere near the Al Aqsa Mosque. So yes, that qualifies as biblical-scale news.
Now let us look at the Catholic Church. It is bankrupt and about to be dissolved. Multiple intelligence agency sources confirm they own Bank of America, which in turn owns the United States of America Corporation. To hide the fact BOA and the US Corporation are bankrupt, the bank appears to have 「borrowed」 funds from its’ depositors to create the appearance it was solvent on the September 30th fiscal year end of its’ US Corporation.
This was reported in the news as Bank of America experiencing nationwide outages, leaving customers with zero balances in their accounts and only their debts visible.
In another sign of trouble at the Catholic Church, an emergency meeting of Bishops, or Synod was held on October 1st that issued a a mea culpa for clerical child sex abuse saying 「We feel ashamed」. A request for forgiveness pronounced on behalf of the Church by Cardinal Sean O’Malley during a penitential vigil in St. Peter’s said: 「I ask for forgiveness, feeling ashamed, for all the times that we faithful have been complicit or have directly committed abuses of conscience, abuses of power, and sexual abuse…. we have used the condition of the ordained ministry and consecrated life to commit this terrible sin, feeling safe and protected while we diabolically took advantage of the little ones and the poor. Forgive us, Lord」.
Notice the silicon-masked fake pope Francis’ face is blotted out in the photograph in the article this quote is taken from.
The church is suffering a huge drop in donations from Africa and South America where the vast majority of Catholics reside. This is because true Christians have become disgusted at its recent pronouncements and all the financial, sexual etc. scandals. The Church is thus unable to pay for the lawsuits being filed by its’ many victims. Maybe it’s time to liquidate its real estate holdings to pay for all the damage.
This is what a Polish Christian intelligence agency employee had to say about the Catholic Church:
「Church bells call people to come and kneel like slaves instead of rising from their knees and collect money for it. There used to be bells on the church towers, then they changed them to crosses, this is how they block the flow of energy. All those from the Vatican who participate in killing children, producing adrenochrome and those who take it will have their bodies scattered to dust.」
Just remember, the fall of the Satanic church means liberation for its Christian slaves.
The collapse of the Vatican’s US Corporation has already sparked a civil war within the US military, pitting the US Space Command against the US Special Forces and the Psychological Warfare Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Space Command used weather warfare to isolate the base and the city of Asheville, NC. It also used these weapons to flood the vast underground tunnel network there.
An example of what she is talking about is the unexpected snowfall that began in the Iranian province of Mazandaran at the end of September. A week ago, temperatures in the region were above +3
Here’s what a Space Force source had to say about the weather warfare attack on North Carolina:
The total obliteration of Biltmore Village in Asheville – the Biltmore Estate owned by the Vanderbilt family [Anderson Cooper] was also flooded. As it turns out, the sick pedo child art below belonged to none other than Tony Podesta [Rockefeller] – proud member of the 「Red Shoe Club」 and brother of pervert & Pizzagate actor John Podesta. The pale skinned boy seen hanging by his hands in the photo below is allegedly Anderson Cooper – where he 「posed」 for the 「art」 as a child – in the very empty pool in the basement of the now flooded Biltmore estate. The Vanderbilt family, especially Gloria the mother, were known to practice black magic and adhere to the occult. Gloria’s eldest son [pictured] committed suicide at age 23. ** NOTE: Asheville is a center of child sex trafficking in the United States and is known for having deep underground tunnels and a long history of occultism and satanic ritual abuse.
The US Special Forces and Psychological Warfare Command at Fort Bragg (recently renamed Fort Liberty) was heavily influenced by self-proclaimed Satanist Michael Aquino. Aquino founded the Temple of Set and has been linked to systematic child abuse at the Army’s Child Development Center.
One sign that this is a military operation is that there is no cellphone reception in the flooded region and that private helicopters are being blocked from evacuating people from the area to prevent high-ranking pedophile Satanists from escaping, Space Force sources said.
As proof that children are being rescued in this operation, we have a witness who says, 「A police friend of mine confirmed that naked children are running around Old Fort Rd. looking for their parents.」
If these kids left a normal dorm, at least they would be in their pajamas and not running around naked.
This abuse of children has taken place on an industrial scale:
On August 19, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it had lost track of over 300,000 children. But what exactly does that mean?
We began our investigation by knocking on the doors of the most vulnerable children on our list, focusing on the youngest who were most at risk of trafficking.
One of our first finds was an abandoned house where two boys, ages 7 and 10, were allegedly dropped off. It is unclear what became of the boys who were dropped off at this address and we have not been able to locate them.
The children are woken up at 3 am and taken from the shelter to their sponsors without being able to say goodbye to their friends.
Alexa and her friend had agreed to contact each other on Facebook once they were safely placed with their sponsors. Unfortunately, Alexa never heard from her friend again.
For further proof, look at the models recruited by Epstein Island visitor Rachel Chandler (sounds like 「childcare worker」).
Do these girls and boys look like models to you? Or victims of abuse? Notice the black eyes.
Now the KM are trying to use high-tech to victimize even more children. A new app shows how Mark Zuckerberg’s meta-smart glasses could become a tool for child traffickers, allowing them to scan anyone on the street and use facial recognition to gain instant access to personal information such as home addresses. This technology could be used by traffickers to find out where children live and plan their kidnappings with disturbing precision, according to Polish intelligence.
We also heard that the closure of all ports on the US East Coast on October 1 is linked to both the US company’s bankruptcy and efforts to stop child trafficking. Dockers said they were tired of hearing children’s screams coming from the containers. They say the ports were closed to install a system to track all containers and prevent their use for human trafficking.
This comes at a time when reports are coming in that after a weather war in Florida, traffic was diverted along a single route because of the mandatory evacuations in the Florida Keys. The military stood by to stop the traffic. They escorted people from their cars to nearby shelters. They thought they were being taken to safety, but they were to be murdered.
We don’t know if it was innocent people or Satanists who were slaughtered, but either way, it is further proof that the civil war has truly begun.
There is another aspect of this weather war on NC, and it could bring the world’s semiconductor industry to a standstill. The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The town of Spruce Pine is stranded because the major roads connecting it to the rest of North Carolina and the US are flooded… The road leads to two mines that are the only supplier of quartz needed to make the crucibles used to refine silicon wafers . The area is also home to the world’s largest lithium deposits.
We know that many innocent North Carolinians have suffered the consequences of this US military civil war. However, we also find that many of the people who remained silent about the directed energy weapon attack on Maui are throwing a huge tantrum about the attack on North Carolina.
The reason for this is that the Maui attack was designed to steal real estate for the usual criminals at Vanguard, State Street, Invesco, etc.
But take a look at who owns the world’s largest lithium deposit and the special quartz found only in Spruce Pine:
Piedmont Lithium Inc.
Blackrock Inc.
Vanguard Group Inc
Invesco Ltd.
So this is a sign that these companies are the target of the attack this time.
The Gnostic Illuminati have long said that the real enemy is rogue artificial intelligence, and if so, shutting down global semiconductor production would definitely count as an attack on AI.
Another sign that some kind of emergency military government is imminent is information from the CIA: 「They seized all canned goods from the largest canned goods manufacturer in the United States and informed the company that all future production would also go to the US government under an NDAA order. In addition, printing companies were awarded a government contract to print food and gas cards four months ago.」
A temporary military government is likely unavoidable because US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has allowed 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 people with pending criminal charges in their home countries into the United States since the start of the Biden administration.
The US President’s spokesman, Karine Jean-Pierre, says it is 「categorically false」 that FEMA used taxpayer money to relocate illegal aliens. This is interesting because you can read it on the FEMA website right here:
In another sign of an undeclared civil war, the FBI arranged for potential Trump assassin Asif Merchant to enter the United States, according to a Twitter post by Fox correspondent Bill Melugin in August. This is a government agency that is actively planning an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.
We also have high-ranking Democrats calling for complete totalitarian censorship. In the most recent example, another version of Hillary Clinton tells Rockefeller (this time wearing a rather obvious silicone mask), 「If they are unable to moderate content on social media,」 then they will 「lose total control.」
The 「they」 she is referring to are the satanic families that control the world’s central banks and their fraudulent financial system.
Before the US dollar was decoupled from the reality-based gold standard in 1973, the American financial sector accounted for less than 10% of domestic corporate product. By the early 2000s, it was already generating 41%. Since they don’t actually produce anything, the Federal Reserve Board is a giant parasite.
People are waking up en masse.
As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. puts it:
「It works on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, and its function is to act like a pump. It literally drains wealth and equity from the American middle class.」
Here Caitlin Long explains how the 12 Reserve Banks are private companies controlled by unelected members of the private sector
Max Keizer explains the black hole of debt that is destroying the global economy.
The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) recently released information showing that the United States’ net foreign investment position, the difference between the foreign financial assets and liabilities of US residents, reached a historic low of minus $22.5 trillion in the second quarter of 2024 .
This means that the US has been draining money from the rest of the world. The rest of the world has had enough of it. So they plan to put an end to this financial parasitism of the Fed at the big BRICS meeting later this month.
In his recent speech, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov summed up the world’s view of the West and its privately owned United Nations:
The modern history of the United Nations has led to loudly proclaimed goals that were soon forgotten.
The Millennium Summit declared the goal of 「freeing people from the scourge of war」. Two years later, the United States of America, at the head of the Coalition of the Willing, invaded Iraq under a ridiculous pretext and without a mandate from the UN Security Council – a country still suffering the devastating consequences of the affair.
The 2005 World Summit declared its commitment to a just peace in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. Yet this sacred promise did not stop the United States and its allies from encouraging then-Georgian leader Mikheil Saakashvili to launch an armed attack on the people of South Ossetia and Russian peacekeepers in 2008. Three years later, NATO staged a military intervention in Libya that destroyed the state and undermined the stability of its neighbors.
In 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted grandiose plans to combat poverty and inequality. Ultimately, these were empty promises in the face of Western countries’ unwillingness to abandon their neo-colonial practices and siphon off the world’s wealth for their own benefit.
The Secretary-General speaks of global cooperation at a time when Western countries have unleashed a veritable war of sanctions against more than half, if not the majority, of the world’s countries and the US dollar, which was touted as an asset and good for all of humanity, has been crudely transformed into a weapon.
Washington has blocked the WTO’s normal work of settling disputes and reform of the Bretton Woods institutions, whose structure has long since ceased to reflect the true balance of power in the global economy and finance.
The almost everyday methods of political assassination observed yesterday in Beirut are extremely disturbing.
The Global South and East are increasingly demanding their right to full participation in decision-making processes across the entire spectrum of the international agenda
The role of intergovernmental organizations in Asia, Africa and Latin America is becoming increasingly important. These include the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the African Union, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Arab League, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
We reiterate our position in support of Brazil and India, provided that a positive decision is taken within the framework of the well-known initiatives of the African Union. At the same time, of course, there can be no question of additional seats for Western countries, which are already overrepresented in the Security Council.
Note that he is talking about intergovernmental organizations, not private non-governmental organizations like the WHO and the UN. In other words, the failed privately owned, Western-led international architecture must end NOW!
Russia is ready to go to war for this. For this reason, the Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, took his staff, security people, crypto equipment and documents with him.
At the same time, Russia is offering to 「ensure security in Eurasia… a continent stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok and from Moscow to Riyadh, New Delhi, Beijing and Jakarta,」 Lavrov said.
This offer comes at a time when the KM has decisively lost the war in Ukraine. Between 50 and 70 percent of the Ukrainian army’s recruits survive only a few days on the front line, and most troops have deserted the front.
And now we learn from the CIA that Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky has over $20 billion in cash in his private accounts, not to mention all his assets around the world. All of this is a gift from the KM Zionists via the US taxpayers. No wonder Ukraine lost the war.
The fact is that the US has lost control of Europe and the Middle East. A sign of this:
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait have declared their neutrality in the Iran-Israel conflict and will not allow the use of US air bases against Iran.
Meanwhile, the corporate reality show surrounding the US presidential election is becoming increasingly bizarre.
We have discovered that Kamala Harris is a product of MK-ultra thought experiments.
In the 「grey zone」 between the UK and the US – also known as Canada – MK-ULTRA was never challenged but continued to produce state-directed assassins. One of the key players in the ongoing secret project in Montreal was a PhD graduate from UC Berkeley who was born in Madras, India, when that country was still part of the British Empire. This 「monkey researcher」 in the service of the MK-ULTRA assassin training program in Canada – Shyamala Gopalan – was the mother of Kamala and Maya Harris.
Watch Kamala when her teleprompter stops mid-speech: It goes exactly as you would expect: word salad, talking in circles, repeating herself, high-pitched cackling, etc.
The latest masked actor to pose as 「US President」 Joe Biden said: 「I am confident that it [the election] will be free and fair. I don’t know if it will be peaceful.」
Argentine President Javier Milei read a real Hollywood script at the United Nations – another example of an actor impersonating a head of state.
「It looks like fiction, but it is not,」 the left-wing Buenos Aires newspaper Página 12 reported on Friday, claiming that Milei copied 「word for word a monologue」 from the television series’ fictional president, Josiah 「Jed」 Bartlet.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/04/argentina-javier-milei-accused-plagiarising-un-speech-west-winghttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/ 04/argentina-javier-milei-accused-plagiarizing-un-speech-west-wing
Of course, unlike in movies, these actors actually deal with real mass murders.
Former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, for example, could deserve a life sentence under Belgian law for his actions, which include staging the conflict in Ukraine, according to Belgian lawyer Philippe Vanlangendonck.
Since more than 500,000 Ukrainians were senselessly slaughtered, many consider the death penalty to be more appropriate.
The same goes for the many Western leaders who are implicated in the recent mass murder by vaccination that they are inflicting on much of the world.
There can be no doubt that there will be some kind of Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunal.
Finally, this week we want to look at the signs that a wonderful new world is emerging as the old order collapses.
Researchers from the Universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire and the British Antarctic Survey have found that the vegetation cover in Antarctica is more than ten times greater than it was four decades ago.
This happens at the same time that the Sahara desert turns green.
Two largely lifeless deserts are now accessible to life. Could it be that the White Hats are using weather modification technology to increase the number and diversity of life on Earth by creating new ecosystems?
What other wonders will be possible if the technology designed to oppress us is instead used to our advantage? How about immortality?
Is this image of the sky near Edmonton, Canada, as this article was about to be published, a sign of miracles to come?
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