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婉君: 請按步驟1.點擊進入靈命日糧連結 1.《網路廣播平台》英文請點擊《odb.org》,Our Daily Bread, 選日期中文請點擊《Traditional-odb.org》,靈命日糧點推薦連結9, 或連結 11Google播客點播放2.讀經英文讀經,點Todays Scripture: Song of Songs 8:6-7中文讀經,點今日經文: 雅歌8章6-7節3. 收聽英文點Download MP3,中文點下載語音檔案,跟著朗讀。建議用耳機幫助專心效果比較好4.英文經文廣播:https://www.biblegateway.com/ 5.如欲參考、或收聽其他經文廣播,在經文視窗Biblegateway.com 請點Bible Book List,在Bible Book List點您想要的舊約、新約聖經 6. 單字: google.com翻譯、發音、作筆記;點推薦連結10 今日經文: 雅歌8章6-7節 Todays Scripture:Song of Songs 8:6-7 Bible in a Year: Joel 1-3Revelation 5 至死彌堅的愛因為愛情如死之堅強。—雅歌8章6節 在荷蘭的魯爾蒙德鎮,沿著隔開基督教與天主教墓園的老舊磚牆漫步,你會看到一個奇特的景象。緊靠著磚牆的兩邊,矗立著兩座一模一樣的墓碑。這是一對夫妻的墓碑,一邊是信奉基督教的丈夫,而另一邊是信奉天主教的妻子。在十九世紀,按照教會的規定,這對夫妻必須葬在不同的墓園。然而,他們並不願意接受這樣的安排。於是他們採用了高過磚牆的墓碑,使得兩座墓碑的頂端沒有阻隔,且只有約60公分的距離。就在這兩座墓碑的頂端,各有一隻石臂伸向對方,緊緊握住對方的手。這對相愛的夫妻不肯被任何事物分開,甚至到死也不願分離。 在雅歌這卷書中,所羅門王說明了愛的力量:「愛情的力量強如死亡,愛的嫉恨耐久如墳墓」(8章6節,新普及譯本)。真愛熾熱猛烈,「所發的電光,是火焰的電光」(6節)。真愛絕不妥協,絕不會冷淡疏遠,也不會被摧毀。正如所羅門寫道:「愛情,眾水不能熄滅,大水也不能淹沒。」(7節) 「上帝就是愛!」(約翰一書4章16節)人與人之間最堅定的愛與上帝浩瀚無垠的愛相比,只不過是滄海一粟。祂是一切真實、永恆之愛唯一的源頭。 反思和禱告你曾如何經歷上帝偉大的愛?
祂如何向你顯明祂那奇妙的愛? 親愛的上帝,我需要祢的愛,因這愛勝過死亡、
Love as Strong as DeathFor love is as strong as death. If you were to stroll along the old brick wall stretching between the Protestant and Catholic graveyards in Roermond, Netherlands, you’d discover a curious sight. On each side, flush against the wall stands two identical towering headstones: one for a Protestant husband and one for his Catholic wife. Cultural rules during the nineteenth century required they be buried in separate cemeteries. They wouldn’t accept their fate, however. Their unusual headstones are high enough to reach above the fenced obstruction so that at the top there’s only about a foot or two of air separating them. Atop each, a sculptured arm reaches out to the other, each clasping the other’s hand. The couple refused to be separated, even in death. The Song of Songs explains love’s power. “Love is as strong as death,” Solomon says, “its jealousy unyielding as the grave” (8:6). True love is powerful, ferocious. “It burns like blazing fire” (v. 6). True love never surrenders, won’t be silenced, and can’t be destroyed. “Many waters cannot quench love,” writes Solomon. “Rivers cannot sweep it away” (v. 7). “God is love” (1 John 4:16). Our strongest love is only a fractured reflection of His ferocious love for us. He’s the ultimate source of any love that’s genuine, any love that holds fast. Reflect & PrayHow have you been experiencing God’s strong love? How has He revealed His strong love for you? Dear God, I need Your love that’s stronger than death, stronger than evil, stronger than my failings. Thank You for Your powerful love. 推薦連結: /our-new-naturehttps://www.obible.com/b5/ 14. 和合本有聲聖經 htt ps://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/ (英文) 15. https://ourdailydevotional24.com/24th-october-2021-our-daily-bread-devotional-talk-trust-feel 17.陪你讀聖經 一天一章
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「耶和華必審問他民中的長老和首領,說:吃盡葡萄園果子的就是你們;向貧窮人所奪的都在你們家中。」(以賽亞書3:14)(cony angry)
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