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2012/12/13 23:35:33瀏覽195|回應0|推薦0 | |
美國政府在白宮的網頁上,設一個關於活摘器官的反迫害議案簽署,如果能於1月1日前達到25000個簽名,白宮就會正式處理。 請佛心的朋友們,都來幫忙簽署救人請願書,感謝 !!! 親愛的朋友,迫在眉睫之急,懇請大家慈悲幫忙,儘量讓更多人簽名,期盼在 舉手之勞,救人無數,功德無量~ 謝謝您 ! 步驟: 1. 點擊鏈結 http://wh.gov/5Jmn 3. 輸入你的郵箱,姓,名,校驗碼,再點擊下面的 “CREATE AN ACCOUNT”幾分鐘後就會給你郵箱發信。 4. 在你郵件裏面點擊第二個鏈結 5. 點擊“SIGN THIS PETITION”就可以了。 Dear Friends, Please take 5 minutes to sign the following "We The People"-petition on organ harvesting in China. The petition allows U.S. Citizens to request from the U.S. President to take action on particular topics.
Petitioning The US President, European Parliament President, and UN Secretary-General This petition will be delivered to: The US President, European Parliament President, and UN Secretary-General Stop Forced Organ Harvesting in ChinaPetition by Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting State-run hospitals in China are killing prisoners of conscience, under the name of executing criminals, to harvest their organs for transplantation. Such crimes against humanity are unacceptable in the 21st century. The demand of transplant organs must not justify the means. To: The US President, European Parliament President, and UN Secretary-General State-run hospitals in China are killing prisoners of conscience, under the name of executing criminals, to harvest their organs for transplantation. Such crimes against humanity are unacceptable in the 21st century. The demand of transplant organs must not justify the means. Sincerely, [Your name] |
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