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Why are silicone dolls so popular in the adult sexual market?
2022/07/07 19:08:09瀏覽77|回應0|推薦0

1. Do not have a sexual partner for a long time

Within the sample of those who participated in our survey, there were many who are sex dolls since they don't have girlfriends , or wives. They're not sexually active for long periods of time as well as their desires for sexual pleasure are unable to be fulfilled. So, they must purchase some sexual products to release their inner feelings. Dirty fantasy, and among the many sex products they choose a more real-life silicone sex doll. On the one hand, because the silicone love doll has the body shape of a human body, the physical dolls are similar to the weight of a person and give them the sensation of sexual intimacy. Reality is, however it can also be a companion in everyday life, helping them to overcome their inner lonely.

2.Middle-aged single male

In our cities today, more and more single men and women, especially Otaku of all types and single aristocrats! Because they don't have a girlfriend, there is an intense demand in the physiology, because the demand is so high that one cannot help but forget the price. But we know that in the event that the physiological demands aren't met and prolonged, it can lead to various physiological diseases! In this case it is common for men to go to a nightclub for a sense of happiness, however, we also know that the appeal of choosing a nightclub will always let Many men feel that the beat isn't too quick, or the price is too high which is why many single men feel increasingly alienated.

As the sublimation process continues to progress and the change in urban living standards increasingly, silicone love dolls are loved and loved from singles. We have learned that realistic dolls are better than the quality of the earlier inflatable dolls and have a larger and more realistic weight and size, the touch feels better. We must acknowledge that in the current increase in global consumption, more and more sexually explicit dolls have to enhance and improve quality. The silicone doll is one of them.

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