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瘋咽與總編 On HK's Media
2014/02/13 21:58:08瀏覽1515|回應16|推薦0

已經想不起上次為香港感到高興是多久以前的事了。No news is good news。 新聞都不是好消息。當真?凡事總有例外!昨天傍晚的大好新聞令余興奮得在手機上與幾個朋輩群組奔走相告,額手稱慶。馬年伊始,香港少一點戾氣,恭喜恭喜!
施永青先生近幾星期已在C觀點中多次闡釋所謂『編採自主』的謬誤。當一個傳媒老闆找到一個同聲同氣甚至肚裡條蟲做總編輯,自不然就100%編採自主。例如肥佬黎請到李怡做主筆,天作之合。但香港不少傳媒工作者卻幻想把所有傳媒機構統統變成香港電台,老闆出錢請一大班人對自己罵不停口,且打不還手。BBC雖然也有批評英國政府,但遠比不上作為英國喉舌批判中國的力度。美國的公營電視台更只是著重提高國民的通識。以公帑支付作為反對派喉舌,除了香港電台世界上相信再找不到第二家。現正在曾公信力第一報章上演的鬧劇,員工認為不能更換總編輯因新來者的價值觀『可能』與他們不同。試問有什麼公司的總經理的價值觀及處事方式是和老闆不同,而只要獲員工認可就能坐穩船?至於那名前總編輯是否該炒,看官可有留意早幾天由其現在負責之網站老屈無線『把港英旗放在香港冬奧代表名字後面』? 據云屈穎妍在其專欄中寫過肥佬黎也常以電話吩咐編輯部要怎樣怎樣做。立場與理念一致的只是督促,不盡相同的就變成干預。雙重標準。
也來談一下反動政客憑藉炒作之所謂新聞自由度名單,排名比我們高的包括歐洲非常富裕超小型國家,人口分別不足4萬及8萬之LiechtensteinAndorra, 也有比他們人口多十倍,50萬人之Cape Verde及70多萬人之Comoros;亦有人口比香港多逾倍之Burkina Faso,但這國家之識字率僅得25%且人均國民生產總值每年不足港幣5,000元。更值得注意的是排名僅比我們高一位的Mauritania,請看看國際特赦組織Amnesty International對這國家的評語:“complete disregard for legal procedure, fair trial, or humane imprisonment”(即完全不理法治,對囚犯不人道)。你會相信哪一個機構所作的評估呢?
9年,也由她,哪能說沒言論自由,罵老闆罵個不停是充分的死罪。除了香港電台,其他老闆哪有這麼海量? Prof Chee寫回應之後,她更變本加厲,16/2在城市論壇說“我是證人,我說的就是證據”。已儼然被泛民傳媒及政棍捧成民主女神的下一句名言可能是“我說的就是真理”。正如網上流傳,鄭大奸的電台一定與其天造地設。

( 時事評論媒體出版 )
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top dog
2014/02/15 01:14
Let me first congratulate William for writing an excellent article in debunking the nonsense of shrinking press freedom in HK and exposing the hypocrisy of Hong Kong press in general.
When Ms Lee claimed in her press conference that she was the most hated figure on CY's list, I just cannot believe her sense of bloated self-worthiness. Seriously guys, don't you think that CY has more important figure to hate, say Li Ka Shing, rather than a babbling loud mouth.
But then again, isn't such self-aggrandising 'big head disease' rather common among the local population these days. How else can one explain why terms such as 'my city', 'our core values', ‘our collective memories', 'nativism' etc being bandied around ad nauseum as if this tiny island is sitting right in the centre of universe.
All these of course are a concerted effort in constructing a local narration based on an imagined golden utopia which never was and never will be. The chief protagonists of the myth are the "virtuous”Hong Kongers armed with a set of 'core values' as opposed to those evil uncivilised bumpkins from up north; and against all odds this band of brave Hong Kongers have built a glittering metropolis with their can-do lion rock spirit.
Not to denigrate the hard work of these virtuous folks, one must point out the inconvenient truth that during the past 50 years or so China has deliberately turned inward allowing Hong Kong to serve as its sole conduit to the outside world. If this is not the case then the current financial capital of China would be Shanghai while Hong Kong would just be another small obsolete town on the South China coast. To paraphrase Richard Hughes, that doyen of western pressmen of the former colony,  'Hong Kong is a borrowed place living in borrowed time.'  Its party time is almost over though ironically not in 1997 as according to the original script.

top dog 2
2014/02/15 01:13

The 800lb gorilla next door has finally woken up from its slumber to take its place under the sun. It is inevitable that the rules have changed and business is no longer as usual. The sooner we get hip to this bleak reality, the better we are prepared to face the uncertain future. But should we choose to continue indulging in our collective wet dream, then Venice would serve as a fine example of how a once great city could decline into historical irrelevance existing only in a tourist's itinerary. But then again, Venice still has its Bellinis and Tintorettos.What about us?

freedom of speech
2014/02/14 18:42

Dear William Zhang,
 --  Nice expression of your views among us HK people.
 --  We should enjoy the freedom of speech we are still 
      having now in HK, although it is no doubts diminishing
     at a fast pace, until not found in day sooner or later.
--   I am political free but enjoy gossiping around....ha ha

hk is a blessed place
2014/02/14 18:16
If someone treasure the freedom of speech n expression, may be they should let other do the same with a different thinking,

And not get too personal.

I guess the media are always used by the establishment to control, influence n win the heart n mind of its people, it is normal

With the new Chinese government, a strong, old guard hardliner princeling group, more of these strong reform hardliner tactic are expected to flow over to hk n macau too.

Leung n Ms Lee are both puppert n tools being used by the bosses behind. It’s the political forces between the east n west that are calling the shot.

I think hk is a blessed place, a piece of rock with no oil nor natural resources, but a buffer zone for the political n economic interest for both the east n west.

Now that the british n Chinese government are very buddy buddy, Cameron signing big deals in peking, china investing in british properties, subway, airport n nuclear plant etc.

London selling Chinese yuan bonds n helping china to internationalize the yuan.

Joint oil exploration between china, british petroleum n the philipine in the south china seas etc.

Politic serve economic interest. Both british n the Chinese government will make a deal on hk political structure n all will be great for hk to move forward to become a truly financial centre that exceed London n wall street in a few years. This episode is really nothing that affecting our livelihood.

2014/02/14 13:16

Who does she think she is
2014/02/14 10:27
she claims that firing her is the condition for the renewal of 商台licenseOh come on, can you imagine HK gov refusing to renew  商台license because of one little woman ??!!   I can’t.  Who does she think she is??  Is she really that important?
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