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《弄潮兒詩詞選譯》/ 醺人
2021/11/23 15:14:06瀏覽2068|回應0|推薦2
《弄潮兒詩詞選譯》/ 醺人

《己丑年國慶 A Dream Tour of the Capital
前夕夢遊京畿》 Prior to National Day 2009

月光如水照風輕, Fluid moonbeam reflects the breezes swing,
夢裡悠然赴北京。 With ease of dream I come across Beijing.
紀念碑前懷烈士; By monument they hold the martyrs dear;
天安門上閱精兵。 At Tiananmen I view the troops marching.
歌聲嘹亮紅旗艷; Bright is the Red Flag by the chants aloud;
步伐堅強鐵馬錚。 Bold are the iron hordes so the steps cling.
國慶遊行聲勢壯, What great stately National Day parade,
排頭一隊是南𤅗! The team to head the line is then Nanying!

「南瀛」是作者 "Nanying" is the Poetic Society
所屬詩社之名 to which the author belongs.

原著:弄潮兒 Original by Ting Yek Lin
譯文:醺 人 Version by Tipsy Guy
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