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看新聞學英文(11)-Couple ‘strengthening their relationship’ manage to flip their car
知識學習語言 2021/10/23 15:16:05

今天來看一則來自英國PA Media有趣的新聞

Couple ‘strengthening their relationship’ manage to flip their car(情侶在增進彼此關係時把汽車弄翻了) 

Darren Cassey, PA Motoring Reporter

23 September 2021 

Police working the night shift must see some curious sights, but officers in Derbyshire have shared images of a particularly amusing incident that happened last night.

It’s not often that reporting to the scene of a car on its side will have a hilarious outcome, but these officers were likely relieved to hear the rather embarrassing sequence of events that lead to this incident.

According to a tweet shared by Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit, a couple had been ‘strengthening their relationship’ at an undisclosed rural location.

During the act, they managed to disengage the handbrake, which sent their Toyota Yaris rolling down a hill before flipping on its side.

Images show the stricken supermini sitting helplessly on its driver’s door in the middle of a single track road.

Fortunately, police report there were no injuries, though the couple involved likely felt a little sheepish making that 999 call… 

1段,night shift就是夜班,amuse為動詞,為娛樂之意,amusing則是有娛樂性的或有趣的之意,incident則為事件,本段大意為夜班警察依定看過一些有趣的景象,但Derbyshire警察分享了昨天晚間發現特別有趣事件的照片 

2段,on its side字面意思為以側面站立,意即側翻之意,hilarious為滑稽或好笑的,relieved是放心或鬆了一口氣的意思,sequence為事情之順序或歷程,本段大意為"報導一輛側翻汽車的畫面卻有好笑結果的情況並不常見,但這幾位警察在聽到導致這起事件的尷尬過程應該感到鬆了一口氣 


4段,disengage是解開或釋放的意思,handbrake則是汽車的手剎車,flip為翻轉之意,本段大意為在此期間,他們無意間釋放了手剎車,導致他們的Toyota Yaris汽車滾下山坡,最後側翻 



這則新聞最令人莞爾之處就是警察在推特上所寫的”strengthening their relationship”,這是一個含蓄的表達方式,其實大家都知道它們在做甚麼,不禁想起先前陳時中部長針對萬華阿公店所說的人與人的連結”(connection between people),二者有異曲同工之妙。新聞中這對情侶,在這麼小的迷你車裡搞車震,實在難為他們了,因為車太小,難怪會把手剎車給碰到放掉,而在車子滾落山坡過程中他們竟然沒有受傷,只能說運氣太好。最後給所有情侶們一個忠告,如果你們也想在車上”strengthening your relationship”時,記得換部大一點的車,而且要換到後座,發生糗事(embarrassment)事小,如發生車禍可就不一定有那麼幸運了 ! 

(新聞出處: 2021.09.23 英國PA Media)

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