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What should I do if the sound quality is abnormal due to water in the earphones?
2021/12/14 10:21:38瀏覽182|回應0|推薦0

If the sound quality changes due to water in the earphones, you can use the following methods to fix it.Wired Headphones

Since water may cause the eardrum of the earphone to deform and affect the sound quality, the specific method to restore the shape of the eardrum is to clean the position of the metal film on the front of the earphone when there is little moisture in the earphone. ., And then use your mouth. Hold the front of the earphone and exhale into the earphone first. Dont let the air leak. You will hear a "click" sound.

Then breathe into the earphones again, dont let the air leak, you will hear a "crack" sound. After a few rounds, the shape of the eardrum of the earphones will recover, but do not use excessive force when blowing and inhaling.

Finally, complete an inhalation or blowing to let the tympanic membrane unfold in one direction. The earphone can restore the original tone.


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