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2019/01/10 09:50:05瀏覽61181|回應0|推薦14


在描述數據下降或現象趨勢減緩縮小時常會用到decrease, fall, decline, drop, dive, plunge, plummet等動詞,而修飾這些動作時,我們同樣可以視情況需求使用slowly, slightly, steadily, gradually, moderately, abruptly, dramatically, sharply, steeply, rapidly, significantly, considerably, markedly, substantially, enormously等程度不同的副詞。另外,上述動詞中也可作名詞使用。  

1. The percentage of respondents who reported never having used the Internet decreased greatly, and the percentage reporting frequent use increased greatly.


2. An increase in time spent on schoolwork did not lead to a decrease in the time available for pleasure reading.


3. During the economic crisis of the 1990s, the book market shrank and the annual book production fell nearly 20% within a few years.


4. Urgent action is needed to prevent further decline.


5. The statistics shows a dramatic decline in the number of Bachelor’s degrees earned in French over the last 20 or so years in the United States.


6. The stock market has seen a significant drop in the second half of 2018.


7. The stock market took a dive after President Trump’s tough talk on trade with China.


8. The United States increased the interest rate significantly, causing property prices and the stock market to plummet.




1. The amount of … is likely to drop sharply by …

2. There has been a slight fall in the number of …

3. Despite the continued decline in …, …

4. What can be clearly seen in the chart is the steady decline of …

5. The apparent decline in … does not necessarily herald a decline in the importance of …

6. …continued to plummet over the past 6 months.



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