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中國撈走一半海洋 台灣捕魚大國排第二
2018/04/20 06:24:24瀏覽503|回應0|推薦3

中國撈走一半海洋 台灣捕魚大國排第二

非營利機構「全球漁業觀測站」(Global Fishing Watch),在五年追蹤分析後,發布全球大型商業漁船作業完整報告,報告指出,中國大型漁船捕魚作業在2016年共捕撈1700萬小時,規模全球最大、範圍也最遠。台灣則排名第二,共220萬小時。







「全球漁業觀測站」研發主管克魯茲瑪(David Kroodsma)說,中國是「最重要漁業國家」。綠色和平組織(Greenpeace)估計,中國擁有世界最大的遠洋漁船船隊,達2500艘,但他們在遙遠的海域並不是很受歡迎。


Johnny Horton - North to alaska (unreleased version)

Way up north, (North To Alaska .)一直向北,(一直到阿拉斯加)
North to Alaska, They're goin' North, the rush is on.向北到達阿拉斯加,他們

Big Sam left Seattle in the year of ninety-two. 92年大山姆離開西雅圖
With George Pratt, his partner, and brother, Billy, too.和他的夥伴喬治,還有弟弟比爾,一起出發
They crossed the Yukon River and found the bonanza gold.他們越過YUKON河,幸運發現了致富的黃金。
Below that old White Mountain just a little south-east of Nome .就在NOME東南方一點的懷特山腳下

Sam crossed the majestic mountains to the valleys far below.山姆越過大山到達下面很深的山谷。
He talked to his team of huskies as he mushed on through the snow.當他駕著愛斯基摩犬拉的雪橇穿過雪地時,他對他隊友談著。

With the northern lights a-running wild in the land of the midnight sun在半夜有太陽的原野上有狂野的北極光。

Yes, Sam McCord was a mighty man in the year of nineteen-one.是的,麥考山姆在91年是個偉大人物。

Where the river is winding,有彎彎的河流

Big nuggets they're finding.找到了金塊

North to Alaska, They're goin' North, the rush is on.他們
Way up north, (North To Alaska.)一直向北,(一直到阿拉斯加)
North to Alaska, They're goin' North, the rush is on他們

George turned to Sam with his gold in his hand,喬治轉向手中握著金子的山姆

Said: "Sam you're a-lookin' at a lonely, lonely man.說:”山姆你看來很寂寞”

"I' d trade all the gold that's buried in this land,我願交易所有藏在此地的黃金
"For one small band of gold to place on sweet little Jenny's hand.換得一像小的金環帶在甜心小珍妮手上。

"'Cause a man needs a woman to love him all the time因為男人總是需要有女人來愛
"Remember, Sam, a true love is so hard to find.山姆,記住,真愛真的是很難找到的
"I'd build for my Jenny, a honeymoon home.我會為我的珍妮建一個甜蜜的家

"Below that old White Mountain just a little south-east of Nome就在NOME東南方一點的懷特山腳下


( 時事評論環保生態 )
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