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《Bunny's Book Club》兔子的讀書俱樂部
2018/07/19 14:29:35瀏覽65|回應0|推薦0

《Bunnys Book Club》兔子的讀書俱樂部

兔子最喜歡書本。牠第一次聽到一位戴紅眼鏡框的小姐在圖書館外唸書給小朋友時,就很喜歡。當牠聽故事時,想像自己在爬山、駕一艘船、或管理一個王國。但是夏天過去時,故事時間就移到圖書館內。牠很想進去,但是不確定動物是否可進圖書館。牠日思夜想,設法要進圖書館看更多書。牠想出用何種方法可以在夜間進入圖書館? Arthur (愛讀繪本 No. 603) 40頁 #兔子 #圖書館 愛讀書 動物 #讀書俱樂部

"What do have here?" said the librarian.
The animals looked up in shock.
Bunny gasped.
Porcupine gaped.
Bear groaned.

"Follow me," she said.
The animals marched slowly behind her.
"Were done for," whispered Porcupine.

"All libraries have rules," said the librarian sternly.
Bunnys whiskers trembled.
Porcupines back bristled
Bear eyed the door.
Bunny stepped forward to take the blame.

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