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2021/04/05 13:05:41瀏覽734|回應0|推薦36

古董手表浪琴                                                            古董手表浪琴                

The image is from https://www.wbiao.cn/longines-watches/knowledge/article-20498.html.

An old man said to his son on his 90th birthday: “This is a commemorative watch your grandfather gave me. It is almost 200 years old. Before I give it to you, please go to the watch shop on Third Street. Go to the watchmaker and tell him you want to sell this watch and ask him how valuable this watch is.”

The son came back and told his father disdainfully: “The watchmaker said that since this watch is too old, it can only be worth 5 dollars as a souvenir watch.”

His father said: “Now go to the coffee shop on Sixth Street and ask the same question.” The son returned a short while later and said with a smile: “The coffee shop is willing to spend 20 dollars to buy it as a decoration for the shop.”

The old man said: “Now go to the Jiade Antique Store and ask them how much the watch is worth.” The son ran back out. When he returned, he told his father: “Dad, I was so surprised! The antique dealer is willing to buy this watch for $120,000, and he is willing to talk to you personally about it at any time.”

His father said: “Next, go to the museum and ask the curator how valuable the watch is, and tell him that I want to sell this watch.” This time, the son came back looking pale and frightened and stammered to his old father: “The museum is willing to buy this watch for $1.8 million U.S. dollars. They said that they would be willing to speak with you about it as soon as you are willing to sell it.”

The old father said, “I want you to know that only in the right place can things be valued appropriately.”

We should also value life in the same way. Do not put yourself in the wrong position, or you will be perceived as worthless. Know where your values lie, and don’t let yourself get stuck in a place where you don’t fit in.

Reference: https://www.dongchedi.com/ugc/article/1651778714705932










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