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中興 新春 中興興春 中興新村 台灣省政府 中興心忡 《回鄉偶書》圖 HAWK's gallery 張天宇畫廊
2018/04/17 00:56:13瀏覽29|回應0|推薦1
.賀知章《回鄉偶書》 少小離家老大回,鄉音無改鬢毛催。兒童相見不相識,笑問客從何處來 Return home I left home a youngster and returned a senior, Though greyed my temple hair has, changed my accent has not. Village children came to greet me but knew me not, They cheerfully took me for a visitor and enquired where I'd come from. HAWK's gallery 張天宇畫廊 http://www.hawksgallery.com.tw/

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