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香港 -《FRITES》比利時 Beer Hall 在東方
2009/12/11 12:51:30瀏覽5795|回應17|推薦49

比利時啤酒早已紅到亞洲,不論是否飲者、至少也有耳聞。比利時啤酒種類、口味皆豐繁,當地 125 家大小釀酒廠常態性要釀出 800 多種啤酒,再加計限量、少量種類,總數更達 8,000 多種!產品多,包裝自也高矮胖瘦、五花八門,酒標紙更多趣味設計;如此啤酒文化,與一國僅一、二寡佔酒廠的 mass、generic 生產大不同。

對比利時啤酒沒什麼研究(實則對什麼酒都欠研究),對朋友推薦的一些果味太重的啤酒也興趣不大,但一向喜歡三五好友把酒嗑牙、一同舉杯 "Hoist a Pint" 的感覺;而這種時刻,大多數桶裝、以龍頭注酒的 Tap Beer 很討喜。某日隨朋友信步走到中環一家FRITES,友人熟門熟路由後門入店;見招牌寫明 "Belgium on Tap" 供應桶裝比利時啤酒,午間西式簡餐、偶爾配杯生啤倒是挺好。

Picture courtesy of FRITES

店內屋頂挑高、用餐區桌椅乍看像近年流行的長桌長凳 communal dining(其實仍是四~六個位子一組),重現了原風原貌的比利時 Beer Hall。環境與氣氛很是輕鬆休閒,但是中環午餐總不乏西裝、套裝的白領食客。服務人員什麼膚色都有、客人亦然,英語仍是標準用語。

Stella Artois & Hoegaarden

先點一杯比利時啤酒中最熟悉的 Stella Artois Draught,此 Lager 色澤淡金黃、口味卻不淡,帶著一向喜歡的 crisp 爽利感。朋友則叫了一杯經典白啤酒(Witbier)Hoegaarden Draught,雖一向不喜其渾濁外觀,但適得其份的果香、甘甜味是比 Stella Artois 有趣。

Mussel Pot Mariniere

既是 Beer Hall 餐飲,自然得點一份 Moules-frites,moules 即貽貝(mussel),台閩吃法多曬成乾貨淡菜,雖然自有其用途、但也有些可惜;與店名一樣的 frites 則是炸薯條。這裡的貽貝加薯條竟有六種組合,蒸貽貝鍋由簡單的、加啤酒的到泰式辣味皆有,選了較傳統的 Marinière 白酒西芹大蒜香料蒸法。香氣撲鼻一鍋端來,所用貽貝大小適中、貝肉鮮美柔嫩,殼裏也沒少那一汪集香味菁華大成的湯汁,真好!又是台北找不到的享受,印象中只比某次巴黎偶遇的蒸貝鍋稍差。炸薯條自然是蘸美乃滋吃,非雖特別、但還真難住手停口,附黑麥麵包不吃都飽了。

鮮嫩 Mussel Frites & Mayonnaise

簡單午餐,但兩人分一鍋貽貝還是不太夠,於是另點一 Flemish 洋蔥湯。比利時荷蘭風(Flemish)的洋蔥湯不似法式般細屑小丁,洋蔥雖亦炒到融爛、但仍大瓣大片,乳酪多、熱度足,過癮;但可能放了啤酒又放糖、加上洋蔥本身甜度,味道甚偏甜,配麵包吃才好些。

Flemish Onion Soup

洋蔥多又大 薯條吃不停

Cappuccino 正門口的僧侶像

一鍋蒸貝、一大盅湯,加上麵包、薯條以及大杯「液體麵包」(啤酒),看著桌墊紙上其他想嚐的東西,卻已一籌莫展,僅有空間再喝一杯 Cappuccino。由後門進、從前門出,看到門口那尊僧侶 / 修道士(Trappist monk)塑像才想起:應該再來一瓶著名的 Trappist 啤酒才對啊...下回、下回!

2009‧12(pictures taken by author &/or courtesy of FRITES, all rights reserved)

巴黎 - 饞人行腳三四店(之「Gare du Nord 過客一餐廳」)
Beer in Belgium(Wikipedia)


( 休閒生活美食 )
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2010/01/20 02:39

旅人世界 & B's 心眼 -
scubagolfer(scubagolfer) 於 2010-01-20 13:11 回覆:


Mussel 偶而吃一些還不錯呢

2010/01/05 01:09
i think that one is more "home style".
"pho" restaurant is very very low grade commercial... they went cheap on all the spices. the price you pay here is prob for their private shipments of huy fong sriracha.

2010/01/04 16:18
really?  i perfer 鼎越豐's pho over 越苑, their spices has more Southeastern Asian touch in my opinion.  but the 雞雞辣椒, as i used to call it with my friend in Cali, and the 嘿嘿醬 is definitely a big plus!  

now you've tried it
2010/01/04 14:21
isn't their soup really watery? normal descriptions of good pho soup would be thick and unctuous. theirs is definitely not (their sriracha runs thinner than my bottle as well). love the culantro garnish but this pho is definitely a comparison to the lower rung pho from the states. but yes, still better than any in taiwan.

2010/01/04 14:04
Max有時候會有布列塔妮進口的小mussel, 還滿好吃的.  台灣的啤酒餐廳好像都還只有美式跟泰式的, 當然還有台式.     融合歐式簡風的好像沒有. 

其實乾貨淡菜切成小丁應該也滿下酒的吧, 我猜, 雖然我們家都拿來做紅燒肉.  那天還在跟IR討論, 小時候奶奶都用干貝的乾貨做蒸蛋, 真的是好吃, 改用新鮮的就做不出那深邃的風味
scubagolfer(scubagolfer) 於 2010-01-15 13:59 回覆:

2010/01/01 21:59

no need to 'bring your own sriracha' at 越苑, both Sriracha(a la rooster brand) & Hoisin sauce are readily available, on each & every table now...too bad the Pho's mediocre =_=

Sriracha = thai/vietnamese chili sauce
2009/12/29 10:48
but Huy Fong Sriracha is NOT available in Asia at all. unless you're familiar with the rooster while in the states/west, you'll never know the attraction.

scubagolfer(scubagolfer) 於 2009-12-29 12:41 回覆:
Yep(it's different). I've been dumping(in those days) way too much Sriracha(with the Rooster logo) & Hoisin sauce into my Phos while living in North America for sure

sorry mang
2009/12/20 03:59
huy fong sriracha is not available here in asia. google for that nyt article (becco gave it before).
unless you see the rooster, it's not the same...

scubagolfer(scubagolfer) 於 2009-12-26 21:53 回覆:
saw buncha sriracha(sans the rooster) at Bellavita's foodcourt shoppe

2009/12/19 01:47
the Pho place is ok. american style.... can only compare it to pho bang in ny (cheapest lowest of all commercial grades) but it's still the best in tpe. plus thing is, they have sriracha. since it's not possible to find sriracha in asia, i carry my own whenever i'm traveling out of the states.

give it a try. it's good for someone who doesn't get to vietnam or the states. but that's what locals are all about....
scubagolfer(scubagolfer) 於 2009-12-19 16:08 回覆:
Sri racha sauce or 是拉差辣椒醬 is now more common here than before, even available thru web/mail order. However, most so-called 'Pho places' here keep'em in the back instead of leaving bottles on the table

thread jacking
2009/12/18 00:05
we're not talking about kansas, st. louis or tx bbq in regards to aurora. it's just ribs that plays the same games as fridays, ryans, vic's or chilis but does it better. we all know taiwan has the best quality pork but no one has seemed to take advantage of that knowledge. well, i'm a fan of aurora.

of the beers on their menu, i don't think any belgian compliments its ribs, imo. rogue or hoegaarden, maybe. anchor steam? no. sf was never known to be a mecca for bbq... a fresh bud (czech, if possible but ultimately bud from the mississippi is dead center on the american bbq culture) or even a simple carlsberg, stella would do the meat justice. but, oh well, can't ask for too much more.

give aurora a try and test my credibility. i look forward to being there again in a couple of wks!
scubagolfer(scubagolfer) 於 2009-12-18 23:58 回覆:
Aurora's now one of the two places on my 'to try' list. The other's 越苑(heard their Pho's really decent).
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