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七日華語聽與說綱要 Listen and Talk Mandarin in 7 Days. (guideline)
2020/02/28 13:02:08瀏覽409|回應0|推薦16
【快速實習華語】(標準漢語 Standard Chinese) Practice Mandarin Fast.

第一篇 聽與說
Chapter I Listen and Talk

第一節 認識你我他與吃飯穿衣,華語注音符號發音與四聲輕音。
Lesson 1. You, I, He or She, We eat and dress.

第二節 人與動物有生命會活動,認識十二生肖,素食只吃植物。
Lesson 2. Mankind and Animals have life, somebody eat only vegetables.

第三節 聖經亞當夏娃,人分男女老少,如何稱呼?身分與關係。
Lesson 3. Male and Female, Young or Old, How we call each other ?

第四節 人來自東西南北,打開地圖,介紹一下自己來自何方,請多說一些讓大家更認識你。
Lesson 4. Where do you from ? open the map, please introduce yourself more.

第五節 七個問題,人、事、時、地、物、為甚麼?為何不?
Lesson 5. 7W Questions
What ‒ is to do? What happened?
Who ‒ has to do it? Who was involved?
Why ‒ has to be done? Why did it happen?
How ‒ could be done? How did it happen?
When ‒ should be done? When did it happen?
Where ‒ should it be done? Where did it happen?
Why not ‒ it can't be done differently?

第六節 食物、衣服。
Lesson 6. Food and clothing.

第七節 住宿與家庭、交通與通訊。
Lesson 7. House to sleep, family and home, traffic, transportion, and communication.

第八節 學習、娛樂、科技與網路。
Lesson 8. Learning and Entertainments from internet.


第二篇 讀與寫
Chapter II Read and Write

第八節 先學寫字,才會讀書。數字一二三最簡單,練習永字八法,再學部首、查字典。
Lesson 8. Read only when you can write first. Caligraphy and Dictionary.

第三篇 中文初階
Chapter III Advanced Chinese


第四篇 中文進階
Chapter IV Advanced Chinese


晨間完成一張A4大小的「七日華語聽與說」綱要,英譯名: Listen and Talk Mandarin in 7 Days.
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