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【活動商品】Britax R-mer 兩用兒童推車 GO BIG 2 網路熱賣產品超人氣產品
在地生活基宜 2018/12/29 10:33:27

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的Britax R?mer 兩用兒童推車 GO BIG 2


寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有開箱炫耀文2018熱銷產品>Britax R?mer 兩用兒童推車 GO BIG 2













Britax Römer Multi-Functional Pram GO BIG 2 設計式樣: Oxford Navy · 2019

The trendy off-road pram Britax Römer GO BIG is the ideal companion that makes your life a little easier: Suitable for any weather condition and on all terrain the robust and lightweight Britax Römer GO BIG offers maximum manoeuvrability. Its large front wheels and excellent central suspension contributes to optimum driving comfort on any surface.

The seat unit is particularly suitable for little adventurers at the age of six months and up. Both backrest and footrest can be adjusted in different levels. You child can enjoy the amazing features of the GO BIG pram every time you are out for a stroll - no matter if he or she wants to rest and take a nap in a flat recline position or discover the world around. If you want to use this pram right from birth, you can combine it with the GO carrycot or the GO BIG soft carrycot (not included in delivery!). The GO BIG has been designed to grow with your child: The carrycot sits high enough for you to keep eye contact with your baby and the seat unit features a low height in order to build your little one's independence.

The five-point belt as well as the play bar prevent your little one from falling out. The seat unit's canopy comes with a ventilation panel and its extra-large extendable sunshield with UPF 50+ provides a shady spot for your little one on sunny days.

The height adjustable ergonomic handle is super convenient for parents. Another real treat is the fully reversible seat unit that offers both comfort and the possibility for your child to travel in a forward or parent facing mode.

Particularly moms will be delighted by the GO BIG's large shopping basket with 3M Scotchlite™ reflective safety stripes. The basket has a maximum weight capacity of 10 kg so that you can store all the necessities and niceties needed when being out and about with a child - whether that be clothes, food, toys or smaller purchases. In order to guarantee optimum protection of the contents in your basket, you can easily adjust the side part in height.

Thanks to the patented user-friendly folding system, you can fold the GO BIG either parent or forward facing. Its compact folded size makes it a freestanding unit so that you can store is easily even in tight spaces.

Due to the removable Click & Go adapter you can transform the Britax Römer GO BIG into a Travel System so that it co-ordinates perfectly with any Römer Infant Car Seat (not included in delivery!) as well as the Britax Römer Carrycot (not included in delivery!).

Details Britax Römer Pram GO BIG:

  • Age suitability: from 6 months up to 3 years (17 kg max.)

  • Available in various designs

  • Items delivered: chassis and seat unit

  • Seat unit: completely reversible, multiply adjustable backrest and footrest, wind shield, ventilation panel in the canopy and sun shade, UVP 50+

  • Travel System: with detachable Click & Go adaptor, compatible with any Britax Römer infant car seat and the chassis (both not included in delivery!) and the GO BIG soft carrycot

  • Patented, user-friendly folding system, compact folded size, free-standing

  • Height-adjustable, ergonomically shaped handle, 55 - 111 cm

  • Wheels: lockable swivel front wheels Ø 23 cm, air filled rear wheels Ø 28 cm, rubber wheels, fast to remove

  • Large shopping basket with 3M Scotchlite™ reflective safety stripes, maximum weight capacity of basket: 10 kg

  • Size folded, with chassis, seat unit and wheels: H 52 x W 61,5 x D 80,5 cm, size open: H 111 x W 61,5 x D 97,5 cm

  • Total weight: 14 kg, weight of chassis with wheels: 10 kg




Britax R?mer 兩用兒童推車 GO BIG 2





「哈卡舞」送好友最後一程…他哭著跳完 悲壯舞步心碎

最近紐西蘭網友瘋傳一段悲傷的影片,一名17歲男孩Jarom Rihari自殺身亡,同學們選擇在葬禮上跳毛利人戰舞「哈卡(Haka)」送他一程。其中領舞的朋友更一度哽咽落淚、無法自拔,儘管如此,他仍強忍情緒堅持跳完舞蹈,代表向好友獻上最高的致意。

Jarom Rihari男孩於去年6月底輕生,聽聞噩耗的朋友們都感到相當驚訝、錯愕,為了好好送他一程,男孩家屬以及朋友選擇在葬禮上跳「哈卡舞」向他致意。當男孩的靈車離開教堂時,一群青少年馬上列出陣型,聲嘶力竭地大喊並用力捶胸頓足,悲壯的情緒充斥全場,以表現他們對男孩最後的尊敬以及不捨,其中領舞的男孩更是一度控制不住情緒,但仍邊哭邊把舞蹈完成,讓旁邊的親友看了都跟著淚崩。













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台灣大學在 1 月 5 日選出新任校長管中閔,歷經多次會議確認當選身分無疑義,但人事案迄今仍卡在教育部,已超過 3 個月。隨著事件不斷延燒,陸續爆出內政部長葉俊榮、中研院副院長王汎森皆赴陸教書,甚至掛名兼職教授,就連曾公開質疑管中閔的台大電機系教授陳炳煇,也爆出在寧波大學擔任客座教授。

王汎森自 2004 年受聘擔任山東大學歷史文化與旅遊學院兼職教授,他表示,因山東聊城為台大前校長傅斯年的故鄉,有感於對傅斯年在學界的貢獻,2014 年該校舉辦「傅斯年與新文化運動學術研討會」時,多名台灣歷史學者受邀出席,並在事後邀請 7 名台灣教授擔任兼職客座教授。他也指出,當時事先沒有通知商量,但因對方熱情邀約讓他們難以拒絕,不過最後並沒有赴陸授課,更沒有獲得任何報酬。

另外,台大電機系教授陳炳輝日前表示,2010 年曾向台大申請受聘廈門大學客座講座教授,未料教育部並未核准,對於管中閔得以赴陸兼職一事不能理解。不過,其實陳炳輝在 2006 年就受聘寧波大學客座教授,該校副校長更在授聘儀式上,代表學校頒發聘書及校徽給陳炳輝。

對此,陳炳輝解釋,廈門大學的確提供經費,每年有人民幣 10 萬元的報酬,並要求得去兩個月,因此他向台大提出申請,卻遭教育部打回票;而在寧波大學則是列為客座教授,因為提供經費並未回報台大校方,他強調「若教育部認為寧波大學不行,我也欣然接受。」

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