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The Amazing Legacy of the Unknown Woman of the Seine CPR 安妮的前世今生
2020/04/02 00:39:07瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0

The Amazing Legacy of the Unknown Woman of the Seine

CPR 安妮的前世今生



According to a Parisian legend, sometime in the late 19th century, the dead body of a young woman was pulled out of the Seine River. No one knew who she was, so the Paris mortuary put her on public display, hoping that someone would identify her. No one came forward and to this day, her identity remains a mystery.

However, an attendant at the mortuary found her peaceful half-smile so beautiful that he had a death mask made from her face. This is how L’Inconnue de la Seine (The Unknown Woman of the Seine) was born.




unknown a. 未知的
After being left alone on an unknown island for seven years, the man was finally rescued.
to this day
identity n.



YouTube isn’t bound by the First Amendment, a court ruled



Tech giants including Google are free to censor content as they wish, a US court ruled Wednesday, in a landmark freedom-of-speech case concerning private internet platforms.


The decision by San Francisco’s Ninth Circuit appeals court rejected a conservative news outlet’s claims that YouTube had breached the First Amendment by censoring its content.


The US Constitution’s First Amendment prohibits the government, but not private parties, from censoring free speech.


Despite its two billion monthly users, Google-owned YouTube "remains a private forum, not a public forum subject to judicial scrutiny under the First Amendment," the court found.


Conservative non-profit PragerU had argued that Google unlawfully limited access to its videos discussing topics such as "male-female differences," "environmental issues" and "other topics discussed on university campuses."


But in a written opinion for the three-judge panel, Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown said that no matter how many users platforms like YouTube may acquire, they do not become "state actors subject to First Amendment constraints."AFP



breach:動詞,侵入,突破。例句:Their defenses were easily breached.(他們的防禦設施被輕易攻破。)

scrutiny:名詞,仔細檢查。例句:I’d never faced that kind of scrutiny before.(我之前從未遇過這種仔細檢查。)

be subject to:遭受;受的約束。例句:In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression.(最近這幾年,她罹患憂鬱症。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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