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2012/01/29 23:00:50瀏覽1156|回應3|推薦12

Salut, DD et MM,

Super! Trop bon! Et trop excite de vous accueillir (de m’imaginer plutot...et sans moi L ) en Californie, en fin !

I write in English for mon frere qui comprend pas vous french et to save unnecessary blablabla, that is, to skip what you could and Might have found on the ordinary tourist guide books, I’ll just go straight to suggest some interesting stuffs:

At least 4 nights in SFO (2 on arrival, as you’ve already programmed, and 2 after the Grand Sud Tour)

The 1st two nights might well be near Union Square for you can easily walk to:

http://www.sfmoma.org/ where one of Duchamp’s revolutionary “Fontaine” is exhibited. And the whole Yerba Buena http://www.ybca.org/ ….area including ttp://www.thecjm.org/ 

Too ARTful ah? You might just take the tram down to Fisherman’s Wharf…and rent a bike to: Fort Mason Green …and bird watching all along the bay.

But my favorite part of SFO now is (on your way back?) to stay some nights at http://www.stanyanpark.com/ Where right next door you can find a bike rent shop to rent a bike to go to http://deyoung.famsf.org/ not only for the exhibition (whatever it might be) but for the architecture (Herzog & Demeuron de la Suisse) gotta to on the roof-top to feel it.

Don’t expect too much for any offer of the American Breakfast at any hotel though.

If you are hard bikers, you should try to go with your bike across the bridge (brr…of course, Golden Gate Bridge) to Sausalito and then take the ferry back to Fisherman’s Wharf…(I did this with my group of old and young folks before).

Et pour aller au parc national Yosemite…ooops please please please drop by Carmel mission not for Christ nor Maria’s sake but at least for a lunch http://www.missionranchcarmel.com/ ideally on Sunday when they have Brunch buffet AND …guess what …..a Jazz Band (or country band or ….French band)

et après http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_San_Juan_Bautista before Yosemite and encore before Yosemite http://www.fws.gov/sanluis/ for bird and lulu (鹿鹿) watching…and all this is to reach the true faut-pas-ratter hi-light of Californie: http://blog.udn.com/luwei/4883141 chez mon frere...

avant et après you set me tea…pardon Yosemite! Minimum 2 nights....mais alors vraiment tres tres mini...

Heeehow.....on va en parler plus tard.


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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2012/01/31 00:27
Great! Too good! And too excited to welcome you (rather to imagine without me ... and L) in California, in the end!

blah blah blah

Vive Google Translate !
6大尾(luwei) 於 2012-02-02 15:58 回覆:
好學生! 所以要一起來反對保護美國帝國的PIPA法 !

ditto, Jamie
2012/01/30 21:44

It is Greek to me.  看不懂.

同意樓下 Jamie, 還好有圖.


6大尾(luwei) 於 2012-02-02 16:02 回覆:

粉久沒理,速 Po 的! 醬不會有錯白字, 呵呵!

2012/01/30 20:57
6大尾(luwei) 於 2012-02-02 15:57 回覆:
失禮! 失禮! 我這是兩頭偷工減料...