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2018/01/17 20:51:57瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0

Let’s Talk in English on 2018/1/18

1.      Let’s order some food.

2.      a hair in the pizza

3.      stop eating it

4.      throw it out 丟掉

5.      Here are three hairs.

6.      complain 投訴 to the pizza company

7.      talk to, reply to, point to 針對或指向某個對象

8.      count five kinds of coffee 算算有五種咖啡

9.      Like I said, “Ew.” 好噁心 used to express disgust or distaste

10.  Peter has dark brown hair.

11.  Pauline has long blonde hair. 金髮

12.  get back on track 回到主題

13.  order a pineapple pizza but get a pepperoni pizza

14.  I think I’ll have some coffee. 我想點喝點咖啡

15.  Would you like soda? juice, milk

16.  Then I think I’ll have a nap. 小睡

17.  可數名詞 They sell different coffees.

18.  不可數名詞 I don’t like coffee.

19.  a cappuccino

20.  Let’s get another ice cream.

21.  a dessert 甜點

22.  Peter’s favorite cake is with cream cheese frosting.

23.  mayor 市長

24.  Can you count to 50 in English?

25.  fuzzy hair有小卷的毛髮

26.  That would be fifteen dollars.

27.  delivery

28.  Would you mind answering a question for us?

29.  I’m happy to help.

30.  I appreciated it.

31.  I come from a small town. Back at home, we don’t eat out very often. Last month, I moved to the big city. Now I eat out with my friends a lot. And they are often talking about getting take-out and delivery. But I’m confused. What’s the difference?

32.  Both take-out and delivery are ways to get food from a restaurant.

33.  order take-out, go get the food yourself and take it with you

34.  order delivery, call the restaurant or order on line, and the restaurant asks someone to take or deliver the food to you

35.  What kind of food can be delivered?

36.  Almost anything can be delivered.

37.  But two most popular foods are pizza and Chinese food.

38.  You should always tip the delivery person.

39.  在美國, to go take out 意思一樣,都是指購餐點「外帶」。不過在使用上有地域的差別,個人習慣用法和訂餐的場合差別。 在速食店訂餐,服務員一般都會問for here or to go。你要外帶,直接說to go 就好了。 你也可以在訂餐時,直接對服務員說: I'd like a large pizza to go. 

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