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23/0:Tai Chi Breath
2013/11/07 03:04:56瀏覽3039|回應0|推薦0

inhale & exhale
A. Sbject:Practice Deep breath of Tai Chi Chuan (inhale, exhale )(figure A).(correct my English sentence. help me!)

 A. There are 12 regular Meridians in the figure, the name of the Meridians are listed, It should make a cycle that once a day (24-hour) . 12 經脈循環一週之時間是一天.
Anytime is any Meridian that the energy in maximum.(figure A)↓ ↓ ↓

Twelve regular Meridians & TIME.

Gall Bladder(GB) 足,膽經

Liver (LV)足,肝經


Large Intestine(LI)手,大腸


Spleen Pancres(SP)足,脾經

Twelve regular Meridians & TIME.


Small Intestine(SI)手,小腸經



Heart Contrictor(HC)手,心包經

Triple Heart(TH)手,三焦

B . Tai Chi Chuan move with inhale, exhale(figure B)

We emptied the
(10).Chung1 Chi2 of Co2.

at the same time
the stomack was indentation.

(inhale, exhale once a cycle )
(1) . Nose

the fresh air throuth

(2). Tan2 Chung1

(3). Chi4 Hai3

(9). Exhale We exhaled a billow of CO2 etc. out of our (9).Mouth
.The air pass (1). Conception Vessel(CV), → → (2).Governor Vessel(GV)to .Pai 3 Hui4

 inhale ,經過 (4).Anus Closing, through (4) Hui4 Yin1
by (imagine) up to (9). Mouth.
(7).Ta4 Chui1

(6).Shen2 Tao4

(5).Ming4 Men2

Tai Chi Chuan move with inhale, exhale and (1). Conception Vessel (CV),& (2).Governor Vessel (GV), run one turn, refer (figure B).

太極拳動作,配合呼吸及用意念帶動氣,經過任、督兩脈循環一周期做深呼吸,氣要細,時間要長,發功時吐氣。(一小周天 one cycle )參照consult (figure B)
(1) . 為 Nose 鼻子前面吸氣。 →(2).為 Tan 2 Chung 1 膻中穴線上。→ (3). 為 Chi 4 Hai 3 氣海穴線上。 →(4). 為 Hui 4 Yin 1 會陰穴線上。 →(5). 為Ming 4 Men 2 命門穴線上。→ (6). 為Shen 2 Tao 4 神道穴線上。 →(7). 為Ta 4 Chui 1 大椎穴線上。 →(8). 為Pai i 3 Hui 4 百會穴線上。 →(9).為 Mouth 嘴巴前面連線。 →(10). 為Chung 1 Chi 2 為中極穴線上。

Learning Tai Chi requires a lot of practice. First of all, inhale and exhale with action, Inhale is keeping your energy up in your body. Exhale will show your power up in the action. If we do not have these two skills, Tai Chi is only "playing," not being effective in learning Tai Chi.

【method 】 Lets practice Inhale & Exhale. (everyday!)
We would inhale the fresh air from (1) .nose enter。 (We must tip our tongue to the top of our teeth ,  ). pass air to →  (2). Tan 2 Chung 1 (Lungs), → pass air to → 。 (3). Chi 4 Hai 3 (stomach)。 (Lets expand the lungs, then stomach  at the same time). → Then pass air to   →(4). Hui 4 Yin 1 (anus) then。and Close the Anus , 【1】. Conception Vessel (CV)
Then. , ( We using thought what air up to) (5) ming 4 Men 2 (lumbar)。 → then pass air up to → (6). Shen 2 Tao 4 (Back)。then pass air up to → (7). Ta 4 Chui 1 (the spine pass air to the top of the head )。Pass air up to → (8). Pai 3 Hui 4 (head top)。 (pass air to) → (9). Mouth. (We must Exhale away with CO2 from mouth 。) 【2】. Governor Vessel (GV),
finishing Inhale & Exhale is one cycle. consult (figure B), (figure C)

(1).  Conception Vessel (CV)color blue is the (moon) YIN,
(2).  Governor Vessel (GV)color red is the (sun)YANG , Relax .. Now inhale.. Deep breath .

       Today we are studying Tai Chi, At first, we must understand two Meridians: The Conception Vessel(CV) and the Governor Vessel(GV).
       Now we will breath air in and out. Both of inhale, exhale .

C. (Figure C.)

1. Conception Vessel (CV)color blue is the (Yin)

(A)太極拳動作,配合任、督兩脈循環一周期(一小周天 one cycle)

Deep breath, finshed one cycle.

p-1exhale exhale p-3


(Anus = (4) Hui4 Yin1) Anus Closing,

Air through the Anus (4)Hui4 Yin1

by consciousness (imagine)

2. Governor Vessel (GV)color red is the YANG


D. (Figure D.)


(1) Conception Vessel (CV)color blue is the (Yin)

Deep breath, finshed one cycle.

p-1exhale exhale p-3

p-7 p-9
(2). Governor Vessel (GV)color red is the YANG


E0. 太極八式 觀想(全) (The conscious of TAI CHI)----- 太極拳 李章智老師太極拳教學基礎八式 背面(English)

E. Pole of Standing 站樁 (The eyes open 30%).

F. Pole of Standing 站樁(提高免疫系統)

G. Conception Vessel (CV)& Governor Vessel (GV) masage, (任脈與督脈搓揉法)

(1). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳 ---(2). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳 ---(3). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳---

(4). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳--- (5). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳---6 (6). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳---

(7). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳---(8). Tai Chi 二十四式简化太极拳

0. nave--肚臍

1. anus n.名詞 1. 【解】肛門 // 2. expand vt.及物動詞 1. 展開,張開(帆,翅等) 2. 使膨脹;使擴張 3. 擴大;擴充;發展

3. bow n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 弓 2. 虹 // 4. sword n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 劍,刀 2. 【軍】【俚】刺刀

5. armpit n.名詞 1. 腋下,腋窩,夾肢窩 // 6. embrace vt.及物動詞 1. 擁抱 // 7. strike vt.及物動詞 1. 打,擊,攻擊

8. palm n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 手掌,手心 // 9. fist 拳;掌握 //10. gymnastics n.名詞 1. 體操;體育[J]

11. navel n.名詞 1. 肚臍 2. 中央;中心 // 12. anus n.名詞 1. 【解】肛門 // 13. shoulder n.名詞 1. 肩,肩膀[C]

14. first of all 1. 首先; 最初; 首要 // 15. require vt.[W] 1. 需要[+v-ing][+that]

16. skill n.名詞 1. (專門)技術;技能,技藝[C]

17. internal a.[Z] 1. 內的,內部的 n.名詞 1. 本質,本性[P] 2. 內部器官,內臟[P] // 18. organ n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 器官 五臟 traditionally the 1.heart, 2.liver, 3.spleen, 4.lungs, 5.kidneys grouped together

19. six hollow 六腑 [Med] the six hollow [Fu] organs ( 1.gallbladder, 2.stomach, 3.large intestine, 4.small intestine, 5.bladder and 6.sanjiao 三焦經)

20. traditionally ad.副詞 1. 傳說上;傳統上;習慣上 // 21. hollow a.形容詞 1. 空的,中空的

22. physiology n.名詞 1. 生理學[U] 2. 生理,生理機能[C][the S][(+of) // 23. menses n.名詞 1. (用作單或複)月經

24. ankle n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 踝,足踝 2. 踝關節// 25. xxx // 
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