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"The Fisherman and his Soul" is a short fantasy story for children by the Irish author Oscar Wilde. It was first published in 1891 as part of the anthology House of Pomegranates, which also includes "The Young King", "The Birthday of the Infanta" and "The Star-Child".
The plot of "The Fisherman and his Soul" is set in motion when the title character accidentally catches a mermaid in his net. He falls in love with the Mermaid and tells her that he wants to marry her. She tells him that he can only marry her if he sends away his soul. From a Witch, the Fisherman learns how to send his soul away. The Soul makes several attempts to persuade the Fisherman to take him back, eventually convincing him to do so with the tale of a beautiful dancer who lives nearby. Too late does the Fisherman discover that the soul which he sent out into the world without a heart has become evil.


其中,個人最喜愛的是《漁夫與他的靈魂》,而知名的兒童文學作家劉清彥則是翻譯為《愛,要不要靈魂》,再搭配義大利插畫家歐凡尼 (Germano Ovani) 的插圖,淒美的故事再次令人感動。



And one evening he called to her, and said: Little Mermaid, little Mermaid, I love thee. Take me for thy bridegroom, for I love thee.
But the Mermaid shook her head. Thou hast a human soul, she answered. If only thou wouldst send away thy soul, then could I love thee.
And the young Fisherman said to himself, Of what use is my soul to me? I cannot see it. I may not touch it. I do not know it. Surely I will send it away from me, and much gladness shall be mine. And a cry of joy broke from his lips, and standing up in the painted boat, he held out his arms to the Mermaid. I will send my soul away, he cried, and you shall be my bride, and I will be thy bridegroom, and in the depth of the sea we will dwell together, and all that thou hast sung of thou shalt show me, and all that thou desirest I will do, nor shall our lives be divided.



She grew grey as a blossom of the Judas tree, and shuddered. Be it so, she muttered. It is thy soul and not mine. Do with it as thou wilt. And she took from her girdle a little knife that had a handle of green vipers skin, and gave it to him.
What shall this serve me? he asked of her, wondering.
She was silent for a few moments, and a look of terror came over her face. Then she brushed her hair back from her forehead, and smiling strangely she said to him, What men call the shadow of the body is not the shadow of the body, but is the body of the soul. Stand on the sea-shore with thy back to the moon, and cut away from around thy feet thy shadow, which is thy souls body, and bid thy soul leave thee, and it will do so.

And his Soul that was within him called out to him and said, Lo! I have dwelt with thee for all these years, and have been thy servant. Send me not away from thee now, for what evil have I done thee?
And the young Fisherman laughed. Thou hast done me no evil, but I have no need of thee, he answered. The world is wide, and there is Heaven also, and Hell, and that dim twilight house that lies between. Go wherever thou wilt, but trouble me not, for my love is calling to me.


And after a year was over the Soul came down to the shore of the sea and called to the young Fisherman, and he rose out of the deep, and said, Why dost thou call to me?
And the Soul answered, Come nearer, that I may speak with thee, for I have seen marvellous things.

But the young Fisherman laughed. Love is better than Wisdom, he cried, and the little Mermaid loves me.
Nay, but there is nothing better than Wisdom, said the Soul.
Love is better, answered the young Fisherman, and he plunged into the deep, and the Soul went weeping away over the marshes.

And after the second year was over, the Soul came down to the shore of the sea, and called to the young Fisherman, and he rose out of the deep and said, Why dost thou call to me?
And the Soul answered, Come nearer, that I may speak with thee, for I have seen marvellous things.

But the young Fisherman laughed. Love is better than Riches, he cried, and the little Mermaid loves me.
Nay, but there is nothing better than Riches, said the Soul.
Love is better, answered the young Fisherman, and he plunged into the deep, and the Soul went weeping away over the marshes.


And after the third year was over, the Soul came down to the shore of the sea, and called to the young Fisherman, and he rose out of the deep and said, Why dost thou call to me?
And the Soul answered, Come nearer, that I may speak with thee, for I have seen marvellous things.

Now when the young Fisherman heard the words of his Soul, he remembered that the little Mermaid had no feet and could not dance. And a great desire came over him, and he said to himself, It is but a days journey, and I can return to my love, and he laughed, and stood up in the shallow water, and strode towards the shore.
And when he had reached the dry shore he laughed again, and held out his arms to his Soul. And his Soul gave a great cry of joy and ran to meet him, and entered into him, and the young Fisherman saw stretched before him upon the sand that shadow of the body that is the body of the Soul.


The spell that the Witch told thee avails thee no more, for I may not leave thee, nor mayest thou drive me forth. Once in his life may a man send his Soul away, but he who receiveth back his Soul must keep it with him for ever, and this is his punishment and his reward.


From the palace of the Sea-King came the cry of mourning again, and far out upon the sea the great Tritons blew hoarsely upon their horns.
Flee away, said his Soul, for ever doth the sea come nigher, and if thou tarriest it will slay thee. Flee away, for I am afraid, seeing that thy heart is closed against me by reason of the greatness of thy love. Flee away to a place of safety. Surely thou wilt not send me without a heart into another world?
But the young Fisherman listened not to his Soul, but called on the little Mermaid and said, Love is better than wisdom, and more precious than riches, and fairer than the feet of the daughters of men. The fires cannot destroy it, nor can the waters quench it. I called on thee at dawn, and thou didst not come to my call. The moon heard thy name, yet hadst thou no heed of me. For evilly had I left thee, and to my own hurt had I wandered away. Yet ever did thy love abide with me, and ever was it strong, nor did aught prevail against it, though I have looked upon evil and looked upon good. And now that thou art dead, surely I will die with thee also.
And his Soul besought him to depart, but he would not, so great was his love. And the sea came nearer, and sought to cover him with its waves, and when he knew that the end was at hand he kissed with mad lips the cold lips of the Mermaid, and the heart that was within him brake. And as through the fulness of his love his heart did break, the Soul found an entrance and entered in, and was one with him even as before. And the sea covered the young Fisherman with its waves.


The Fisherman and His Soul
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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