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【書摘】女逃亡者—阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 10
2021/02/26 04:29:34瀏覽356|回應0|推薦5
【書摘】女逃亡者阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 10
Mon amour pour elle n’avait pas été simple.: à la curiosité de l’inconnu s’était ajouté un désir sensuel, et à un sentiment d’une douceur presque familiale, tantôt l’indifférence, tantôt une fureur jalouse. Je n’étais pas un seul homme, mais le défilé heure par heure d’une armée composite où il y avait, selon le moment, des passionnés, des indifférents, des jaloux – des jaloux dont pas un n’était jaloux de la même femme. Et sans doute ce serait de là qu’un jour viendrait la guérison que je ne souhaiterais pas. Dans une foule, ces éléments peuvent, un par un, sans qu’on s’en aperçoive, être remplacés par d’autres, que d’autres encore éliminent ou renforcent, si bien qu’à la fin un changement s’est accompli qui ne se pourrait concevoir si l’on était un. La complexité de mon amour, de ma personne, multipliait, diversifiait mes souffrances. Pourtant elles pouvaient se ranger toujours sous les deux groupes dont l’alternance avait fait toute la vie de mon amour pour Albertine, tour à tour livré à la confiance et au soupçon jaloux.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.76 追憶似水年華 VI 女逃亡者 聯經版 1992)

My love for her had not been simple: to a curious interest in the unknown had been added a sensual desire and to a sentiment of an almost conjugal mildness, at one moment indifference, at another a jealous fury. I was not one man only, but the steady advance hour after hour of an army in close formation, in which there appeared, according to the moment, impassioned men, indifferent men, jealous men—jealous men no two of whom were jealous of the same woman. And no doubt it would be from this that one day would come the healing which I should not expect. In a composite mass, these elements may, one by one, without our noticing it, be replaced by others, which others again eliminate or reinforce, until in the end a change has been brought about which it would be impossible to conceive if we were a single person. The complexity of my love, of my person, multiplied, diversified my sufferings. And yet they could always be ranged in the two categories, the option between which had made up the whole life of my love for Albertine, swayed alternately by trust and by a jealous suspicion.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

My love for her had not been simple: to curiosity about the unknown had been added a sensual desire, and to my feelings of almost domestic sweetness, feelings sometimes of indifference, sometimes of jealous rage. I was not one single man, but the march-past of a composite army manned, depending on the time of day, by passionate, indifferent or jealous men — jealous men who were never jealous of the same woman. And doubtless this would be the source of an eventual cure, which I did not desire. The individuals in a crowd may without our noticing be replaced one by one, and others again may come to suppress or supplement them, so that at the end of the day a change has been accomplished which it would be impossible to imagine in a single, unitary being. The complexity of my love and my identity multiplied and diversified my suffering. And yet they could still be classified under the two heads whose alternation had ruled the whole life of my love for Albertine, ruled in turns by confidence and jealous suspicion.
(Translated by Peter Collier)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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