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【書摘】女逃亡者—阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 5
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【書摘】女逃亡者阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 5
Lié qu’il était à toutes les saisons, pour que je perdisse le souvenir d’Albertine il aurait fallu que je les oubliasse toutes, quitte à recommencer à les connaître, comme un vieillard frappé d’hémiplégie et qui rapprend à lirei; il aurait fallu que je renonçasse à tout l’univers. Seule, me disais-je, une véritable mort de moi-même serait capable (mais elle est impossible) de me consoler de la sienne.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

冬季和其他季節都有所聯繫因此要想從我的記憶裡抹去阿爾貝蒂娜我也許應該忘掉所有的季節甚至不惜在今後像患過偏癱的老人重新學習閱讀那樣再從頭開始去熟悉這些季節我也許應該和整個宇宙都斷絕聯繫。我想,也許只有我本人真正的死亡才能 (然而沒有這種可能性) 使我不再為她的死亡而痛苦。
追憶似水年華 VI 女逃亡者 聯經版 1992)

Bound up as it was with each of the seasons, in order for me to discard the memory of Albertine I should have had first to forget them all, prepared to begin again to learn to know them, as an old man after a stroke of paralysis learns again to read; I should have had first to forego the entire universe. Nothing, I told myself, but an actual extinction of myself would be capable (but that was impossible) of consoling me for hers.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Since her memory was linked to every season, the only way of forgetting it would have been to forget all of them, even if it meant that I would have to learn to recognize them all Over again, like an old man who has suffered from hemiplegia, learning to read again; I would have had to renounce the whole universe. Only a real death of my self, I told myself (were it not impossible), would be capable Of consoling me for her death.
(Translated by Peter Collier)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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