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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 3
2014/06/19 21:44:35瀏覽262|回應0|推薦8
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 3
Lierre instantané, flore pariétaire et fugitive ! la plus incolore, la plus triste, au gré de beaucoup, de celles qui peuvent ramper sur le mur ou décorer la croisée ; pour moi, de toutes la plus chère depuis le jour où elle était apparue sur notre balcon, comme l’ombre même de la présence de Gilberte qui était peut-être déjà aux Champs-Élysées, et dès que j’y arriverais me dirait : « Commençons tout de suite à jouer aux barres, vous êtes dans mon camp » ; fragile, emportée par un souffle, mais aussi en rapport non pas avec la saison, mais avec l’heure ; promesse du bonheur immédiat que la journée refuse ou accomplira, et par là du bonheur immédiat par excellence, le bonheur de l’amour ; plus douce, plus chaude sur la pierre que n’est la mousse même ; vivace, à qui il suffit d’un rayon pour naître et faire éclore de la joie, même au coeur de l’hiver.

(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

(p.429 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

Brief, fading ivy, climbing, fugitive flora, the most colourless, the most depressing, to many minds, of all that creep on walls or decorate windows; to me the dearest of them all, from the day when it appeared upon our balcony, like the very shadow of the presence of Gilberte, who was perhaps already in the Champs-Elysées, and as soon as I arrived there would greet me with: “Let’s begin at once. You are on my side.” Frail, swept away by a breath, but at the same time in harmony, not with the season, with the hour; a promise of that immediate pleasure which the day will deny or fulfil, and thereby of the one paramount immediate pleasure, the pleasure of loving and of being loved; more soft, more warm upon tie stone than even moss is; alive, a ray of sunshine sufficing for its birth, and for the birth of joy, even in the heart of winter.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

Instantaneous ivy, fleeting wall flora! The least colorful, the saddest, in the opinion of many, of those that clamber over the wall or decorate the casement; for me, the dearest of them all since the day it appeared on our balcony, like the very shadow of the presence of Gilberte, who was perhaps already in the Champs-Elysées and, as soon as I arrived there, would say to me: “Let’s start playing prisoners’ base right away, you’re on my side”; fragile, carried off by a breath, but also in harmony, not with the season, but with the hour; a promise of the immediate happiness which the day will deny or fulfill, and thereby of the highest sort of immediate happiness, the happiness of love; softer, warmer on the stone even than moss; hardy, for it needs only a ray of light to come into being and blossom into joy, even in the heart of winter.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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