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【書摘】女囚—凡德伊的樂曲 (the phrase of Vinteuil) 3-1
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【書摘】女囚凡德伊的樂曲 (the phrase of Vinteuil) 3-1
Cette patrie perdue, les musiciens ne se la rappellent pas, mais chacun d’eux reste toujours inconsciemment accordé en un certain unisson avec elle ; il délire de joie quand il chante selon sa patrie, la trahit parfois par amour de la gloire, mais alors en cherchant la gloire il la fuit, et ce n’est qu’en la dédaignant qu’il la trouve quand il entonne, quel que soit le sujet qu’il traite, ce chant singulier dont la monotonie – car quel que soit le sujet traité, il reste identique à soi-même – prouve la fixité des éléments composants de son âme.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.271 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

這片被遺忘的故土,作曲家可能會想不起它,但在無意識中始終跟它保持著某種共鳴;唱起故鄉的歌,他會心中充滿喜悅,但有時他也會為追求虛榮而背棄它。追逐榮譽,他便會遠離它;只有厭棄榮譽,他才能找到它。這時作曲家 (無論他寫的是什么題材) 總會唱起這支獨特的歌,其中的重覆和相似——因為無論他寫什麼題材,他總是他自己——證明了在作曲家心中,有些情結是根深蒂固的。
追尋逝去的時光 第五卷女囚 周克希譯 2012)

This lost country composers do not actually remember, but each of them remains all his life somehow attuned to it; he is wild with joy when he is singing the airs of his native land, betrays it at times in his thirst for fame, but then, in seeking fame, turns his back upon it, and it is only when he despises it that he finds it when he utters, whatever the subject with which he is dealing, that peculiar strain the monotony of which—for whatever its subject it remains identical in itself—proves the permanence of the elements that compose his soul.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

It is not that musicians can remember this lost homeland, but each of them always remains unconsciously in tune with it; he is overcome with joy when he sings the songs of his country, he may sometimes betray it for the sake of glory, but when he seeks glory in this way he moves further away from it, and only finds it when he turns his back on it, and when, whatever his subject may be, he gives voice to that particular song whose repetitive character
for whatever the ostensible subject it remains identicalproves the continuity in the musician of the constituent elements of his soul.
(Translated by Carol Clark)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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