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試譯 "我們告別式見" (網路文章)
2012/12/13 09:28:32瀏覽259|回應0|推薦1


See you in the funeral.



You give your love and time to others, and they will give you theirs in return.



Zhi-ming came to visit a co-member of the Rotary Club, who was a successful entrepreneur but was now retired and hospitalized.



In the ward, Zhi-ming found the senior had no any next-of-kin there to accompany him, only a nurse watching the TV.



With his eye not fully open, the senior felt a fit of warmth when he saw Zhi-ming, holding his hands, and whispering his name. 



During the conversation with Zhi-ming, the senior got emotional and tears.



He told Zhi-ming, 



"When I was young, I always thought that for my family I must work hard, making as much money as I could; sometimes I used working as the excuse of my debauchery. 



Now in retrospect, what Id done was all for myself--- for my vanity, my dignity, and for my unrestrained pleasures!



I never attended the parent-teacher activities for my kids; instead Id rather travel around the world with some courtesan.  It was almost always my wife who arranged the summer/winter schedules for the kids. 



When my kids chatted with me and asked me some questions, I would respond to them impatiently and perfunctorily.  Later on, they didnt want to bother me any more. 



In the past, it was a good riddance not bothering me; now I wanted someone to talk with me, but they are all tied up with their own businesses, and deal with me the way I used to treat them. 



Two days ago, the old fellow next to me died on the bed.  Honestly, if I were to start it all over again, I wouldnt have led the life like I did before!



I didnt cherish my wife, not accompanying her on the trips to everywhere when she was young and pretty.  Until now I outlived her at least two years, finally I realized how much I loved her!



Although Id patronized all ritzy nightclubs in Taiwan, still my heart was filled with nothing but ennui. 



Antiques, paintings and pieces of calligraphy are everywhere in my house, but I dont know what I can do with those stuff?



And how about the photos on the walls, those tycoons and me? The figures on the photos are mere acquaintances, nobody else.



There is also a photo, a two-hundred-kilos spearfish and I.  How I wish it were the photograph of my whole family!



My parents died while I was striving for my career!



My wife died when I started enjoying my life!



My kids hired nurses to tend their ailing father.  They came to see me once in a while.



 Its very nice to see you, and I feel so heartwarming!




I remembered when I retired, I provoked a lifetime rival of the opposite camp and cursed him, "See you in the funeral" meaning that I wished he would die earlier.



 But now how I wished that I should have said to him, "Come and have a tea with me sometime!"



Zhi-ming, youre only fifty odd, still young.  Give off more when you still can!



 You give your time to others, and others will give you in return proportionally!



You give your loving-cares to others, and others will give you in return proportionally!



Dont be like me of today.   Living in wealthy district and driving a Mercedes make me look like a person of great reputation.  But I cant start it all over again; the people I love all have left me, Im alone!"



It reminded Zhi-ming of his kids pleading him to go drawing outdoor or mountain climbing with them, and his wife asking him to accompany her to pay visits to her mothers home.  Those seemingly tedious and grueling things to him turn out to be the most precious that the senior can only dream of!



The best Zhi-ming can do for the senior is to spend some more time with him and urge him to take care.



Maybe the "See you in the funeral" is just some kind of a joke.



But in reality, arent people seeing each other, or getting together only in some ones funeral?



Wont you sigh a sigh of mixed emotions?




See?  Care not only about your family but also your friends!  Keep in touch with me; at least you will receive some inspiring articles!

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