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2021/12/19 14:01:09瀏覽415|回應0|推薦6

I love to watch the video critiques by Mr. Sima Nan, which are covering almost all aspects.  His plain and sometimes humorous narration makes complicated issues be easily understood.  Attached below are the series of his comments on the possible decline of America.  I hope you would like them:  

司马南:很像是为六中全会献礼?美国米利上将如此肯定中国 - 司马南谈美国国运 - 西瓜视频 (ixigua.com)

司马南:美国国运不济怨不得别人,用列宁这把刀子剖析美国 - 司马南谈美国国运 - 西瓜视频 (ixigua.com)

司马南:美国社会拉美化,科技第一还能维持多久? - 司马南谈美国国运 - 西瓜视频 (ixigua.com)      

PS The series all talk about one of the serious ills of the U.S. today: the widening gap between rich and poor. 

The other day I saw a young mother with two girls, apparently her daughters, begging money at a corner of the parking lot in some Costco.  From the look of that white woman, I am sure she must be a decent person if she didn’t lose her job as she said in the placard she was wearing.  Her two daughters are just lovely, making me think of my two granddaughters.  Then I gave the woman several dollars and all the coins in my pocket. 


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