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2021/12/06 09:48:12瀏覽592|回應1|推薦8

Nearly half a century ago, the sensational case of Watergate scandal forced Richard Nixon to resign his presidency of the U.S. The ultimate reason for Nixon to leave the Oval Office was not because he had ordered to bug Democrats; instead, he lied to American people that he did not give that order and refused to hand in that damned tape.  In other words, he was not an honest person for being the president of the U.S. anymore.  

By latest evidence, that alleged doctoral dissertation of Wonky Cai has been debunked. The dissertation has never existed, neither has the name list of oral committees and oral examination. Ms. Cai, take the lesson from Nixon because after his resignation he was soon pardoned by his successor President Ford. 

But I guess she will not resign, for whatever she does, those parasites: her Green Guards online, the media under her control, and her "comrades" of DPP will protect her like hell.  From this aspect, America is a great country for having "deep throats" and a president finally redeems himself for his wrongdoings, after at last listening to his fellow Republicans. As for Taiwan, or ROC whatever, that will not happen.          

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Great Country?
2021/12/06 12:18

"America is a great country for having "deep throats" and a president finally redeems himself for his wrongdoings"

It may not be as good as it appears as the water is much deeper in the U.S. than it in Taiwan.  Nixon resigned may have been for something else.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2021-12-06 13:39 回覆:

I know there must have had nasty tricks and influence paddlings behind the scene in Watergate Scandal and the dramatic ending.  At least; however, for the basic rule of democracy and the solidarity of nation Nixon resigned.  In that regard, America is relative great.

But in "democractic tyranny" of DDP in Taiwan now, that will not happen.  Just take that corruptive A-Bian as an example.