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2021/10/02 13:16:26瀏覽509|回應0|推薦10
Retiredbum notes:  I admire the tone and the way Ms. Hua Chunying makes those speeches.  They are not only assertive and aggressive to the listeners. but also "spleen-venting" to me.  I also admire the excellent translations; I wont be surprised if they are written by Ms. Hua herself.






Madam Hua Chunying, a spokewoman of the China Foreign Affairs, recently gave a sharp and profound speech to the world.

She said, 「Foreigners who eat Chinese rice are not allowed to smash Chinese bowls!」

These words have such deep and wide meanings.

*1. 中國將不再容忍在中國謀生並企圖破壞中國的外國人。*

*1. China will no longer tolerate foreigners who earn their living in China and yet try to sabotage China.*

*2. 中國不會允許外國人將貿易問題政治化。*

*2. China will not allow foreigners to politicise trade issues.*

*3. 永遠不要告訴中國該做什麼或不該做什麼。 馬雲就是一個例子*

*3. Dont ever tell China what to do or what not to do. Jack Ma is an example*

 *4. 中國絕不允許任何外國人、企業、億萬富翁、有實力的基金公司等以任何方式向中國施壓! 這是對高盛、花旗銀行、匯豐銀行、蘋果、三星、羅斯柴爾德等以及索羅斯、沃倫巴菲特等人的直接警告。*




 *瑞典國際公司 H&M 最近被關閉,無法再在中國經營。*

 *中國已經告訴美國和西方, 「你們有自己的政治制度,我們有我們的制度方式。 如果您希望根據您的系統管理您的國家,那是您的權利。 在中國,我們有自己的規則。 我們希望我們的孩子有禮貌、有禮貌和聽話。 這是中國文化,當你在這裡時,你也必須有同樣的行為。 如果沒有,那我們就把你趕出去!」*

*4. China will never allow any foreigner, corporation, billionaire, powerful fund companies, etc to pressure China in any way! This is a direct warning to Goldman Sachs, Citibank, HSBC, Apple, Samsung, Rothchilds, etc and people like Soros, Warren Buffet, etc.*

*China will no longer allow these people whose scumbag ancestors poisoned China with Opium and craved out China into their own enclaves and ravaged the whole nation.*

*Any person, Corporation, Financial or otherwise, NGOs who  are dumb enough not to understand Madam Huas words will be thrown out of China.*

*Those who do not understand Chinese phrases, proverbs or  idioms are advised to learn Chinese Culture.*

*H&M, a Swedish International Company was recently shut down and can no longer operate in China.*

*China has told US  and the West, 「You have your own political system, we have our way of system. If you wish to run your country based on your system, thats your right. In China we have our rules. We want our children to be respectful, have good manners and be obedient. This is Chinese culture and when you are here you are required to behave likewise. If not, then we will throw you out!」*
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