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2021/02/19 16:10:01瀏覽415|回應0|推薦12

Yesterday my brother-in-law invited my wife and me to pay the last tribute to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, who were buried in a public cemetery for Chiristians on a hill at Xindan county, for he bought a patch of land and built a new family graveyard in a relatively "modern" cemetery somewhere in the northern Taipei near Keelung, and so moving his parents to a new "home", someday for himself and his families as well.

I visited the old place so many times that had made me familiar with the surroundings.  My parent-in-laws was well taking care of, but some of their "neighbors" were left untended.  Well, everybody is mortal when his or her final day comes, regardless the resting place is a magnificient mausouleum, an odinary grave, a tiny urn, or no place on this earth at all, so cherish your days in this world. Suddenly, I recall that famous essay by Li Bai (and my translation):

試譯: 李白 『春夜宴桃李園序』


Oh, Universe is just a temporary lodge for all creatures, whereas Time just a transient passenger throughout a hundred generations.  Life floats like a dream, so how many happy days can we really enjoy?  It makes sense that our forebears held a lamp in nights for fun and games.  Not least the balmy Spring invites us to enjoy its brilliannt scenery, and the nature provides us sources of inspiration and material for writing.  So we gather here in this garden full of peach and plum blossoms, chatting with each other over joyous things in a fraternal atmosphere.   All of you are brat packs, masters of poem and essays; but I am not good as you are, and I am embarrassed for myself.  Too much are the scenic beauty to be seen, but we have few things left to discuss.  Let us feast with a spread of delicacies and wine amid the flowers, and pass our cups around as to intoxicate ourself beneath the moonbeams.   But how can we  express ourselves fully of our elegant thoughts without beautiful verses?  In case anyone who cant recite a piece of new poem, then he is bound by the rule of this garden: to be fined with three drinks in a row.    

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