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2020/12/15 13:12:47瀏覽532|回應0|推薦9

In my last posting I introduced to you the great deed performed by Ms Zhang Guimei, the founder and incumbent principal of a girls high school in a backwater area of China Mainland.  Yesterday I met another principal with same last name in Gongquan, Miaoli: Mr Zhang. 

Mr Zhang has dedicated himself to elementary education since he graduated from a normal college over three score years ago, and now he retired from the post as the principal of some elementary school at a relatively poor district in Taiwan.  As a hale and hearty senior at 83, he is an artist now, mangaging a gallery of his own works at his hometown, where I, together with the group of my former classmates. paid it a visit yesterday.

The tall old gentleman in good shape sat and stood bolt upright before our eyes all the time.  Besides following regimen, he must have owned himself an optimissitic philosophy towards life.  He entertained us with a spread of delicious, traditional Hakka food, as well as several Hakka folk songs, singing with incredibly sonorous voice accompanied by his intoxicating expressions and gestures.  What a beautiful scene it was, and what a pleasant day it had been! 

Wishing you a longevity, Mr Zhang.         

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