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2020/12/04 12:22:57瀏覽379|回應0|推薦11

China Mainland claimed the other day that she will impose extra tax upon  Aussie wine, mostly because of the inharmonious Sino-Australian relationship in recent days.  The move China taking will surely hurt Austrialian export-oriented economy due to the fact that China is the bigger buyer in the world for its "products"---natural resources like log, coal, mineral, and so on. 

Funny thing is DPP administration joined in to stir up trouble.  The "ambassador" of Taiwan to the US immediately tweeted that she is "thinking of stocking up on Australian wine."  Besides, the "minister" of foreign affairs urged to enhance the relationship between Taiwan and Australia.  Are you going to absorb all the loss that Aussie guys suffered from their conflicts with China Mainland, or do you think your idiotic move will enrage China, or do you just want to make the likewise stupid supporters of yours happy? 

Few day away, Taiwan will import US pork that contains ractopamine.  May I suggest you, you red wine lovers, by the time go ahead drink Aussie wine while take some ractopamine-contained dried meat as a appetizer. 



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