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2020/11/06 15:27:29瀏覽390|回應0|推薦5

Am I gloating over the strong mood of disappointment evinced by the diehard fans of Donald Trump in Taiwan?   Ha!

Do not act that way, you stupid.  I know what concerns you most is the triangle relationship among the US, China Mainland, and China Taiwan in the future.  Let me tell you, guys, Joe Biden may bring a stabler situation among the three, and so you may be safer.  Is that what you want?  Otherwise, do you really want to live in angst and uncertainty for another four years, which rigged by that seemingly reckless Trump? 

FYI, China government has never been officially showing her preference towards either of the candidates.  However, the mass Mainland netizens do incline to see Trump re-elected.  They nickname him as "川建國同志", and you had better think over it. 

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