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2020/05/17 15:31:33瀏覽380|回應0|推薦8

What is a "Chang"?  It is said that according to folklore it refers to the ghost who previously was the victim of a tiger, but later it became a specter to lure other innocent people to be killed by the tiger.  I am not sure, but the Chinese idiom is somewhat like a modern psychological term "Stockholm syndrome" which refers to a state of mind that under some circumstances the victims become sympathetic to the inflictors.

Are there vivid examples of 為虎作倀 or Stockholm syndrome in Taiwan?  Of course there are.  See those sycophants of Taiwan disgustingly brown-nose to their "big brother" of Japan who used to be the cruel master, enslaving people of Taiwan during their occupation from 1895 to 1945.   

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