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2020/03/12 11:38:30瀏覽476|回應0|推薦11

It was like a bolt from the blue when I heard of Ms. Tang Huilin, that councilwoman of New Taipei City, had contracted pancreas cancer.  What a shame and what a terrible blow to her and her families!

Certainly, she does not know an ordinary old man like me.  In modern words, I have been just one of her "fans" since I watched her on TV fighting bravely against those evil DPP panelists with her incisive arguments and well-prepared data in political talk shows.  Being such a conscientious person, she must be able to fulfill her duty as a accountable representive in the council for the people she serves.

Get well soon, Ms. Tang!  Live for yourself, for your family, and for the people who have been supporting you, but not for that mummy, walking corpse KMT any more!


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