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2019/10/15 16:31:41瀏覽374|回應0|推薦5

A super typhoon just brought a staggering strom to hit Japan the other day, causing havoc all over the islands and claiming over 70 lives so far.  Being in the face of almighty Nature, we humans have little to do but learn to live with it and stop trying to change our natural enviornments.

So we should not harbor sense of schadenfreude on any disasters happened at every corner of the world, though I must admit I felt indifferent to what had happened to Jap, especially when I learned from reports that Wonky Cai brownnosed her "big brother" again in her Twitter, using Japanese language to express her "sympathy".  Shame on you, Cai and some ingratiating islanders.  That simply sucks!     



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