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2019/08/09 05:22:33瀏覽393|回應0|推薦10

Effective from the 1st day of August , China Mainland terminated to issue permission for individual tourists to Taiwan.  Report said the group tours will also be limited.  In the wake of such a shocking announcement to the islanders and DPP administration, another move aimed at Taiwan ensued: skipped participating the coming Golden Horse Films Festival this year.  What will be the next?  A lot.  For example, how about calling off the special freedom of the air between both sides of the strait, how about prohibiting fruits of Taiwan from importing into Mainland, and so on. 

In fact, those are the big favors that China Mainland has been doing for Taiwan for a long time.  No exageration, we can call it an unrequitted love, a brotherly love to Taiwan.  Have they not own themselves a lot of meccas for their tourists to visit, but let them go to a unwelcome place to spend their money?  Have they not a likewise tropical island, Hainan, to provide the same fruits?  Why do they not use the extra capacity to fulfill the incerasing need of their domestic passengers on air?  (But for China Airlines and Eva Airways, operation between the strait is their lifeblood.)

The series of actions that China Mainland are taking clearly convey a telltale signal that she does not care about whatever DPP administration is doing any more, until it takes more drastic way towards Taidu.  Now people of Taiwan face a dilemma: do you want to die of gradual economic atrophy due to the "sanctions" from Mainland, or you want to die of "Wutong" when China Mainland is no longer tolerant of the endless procrastination against reunification and continued Anti-China acts by DPP?  Or do otherwise?  Dear fellow islanders, you have to stop short of making a wrong choice all by yourselves!     








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