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2019/07/19 03:05:19瀏覽577|回應2|推薦7

I talked about “One Country, Two Systems “ many times in my previous writings.  Reputedly, it was Deng Xiaoping, the so-called “General Designer of Refom and Opening”, who mapped out such an idea, and it was orginally made for Hong Kong after handover in 1997.  Since then the central government of China had never interfered HK internal affairs, but how come the inhabitants continually and pervertly protested and demanded the things under the names of "democracy", which had never existed in the days of British colony.  All of those illogical and irrational acts were NOT out of "Two Systems"; it was because some "high-class HKers", under the auspices of America and UK, do not want to accept "One Country".  An indepth analysis is attached below for your reference:     


Taiwan has had long-established "democracy of Taiwanese style", so it will deal with no similar problem as that of HK when someday "Two Systems" is implemented.  The similarity of both Taiwan and HK is, in fact, the "majority" of islanders likewise do not accept "One Country", regardless of the tendency that most of them believe, though reluctantly, someday and somehow both sides of the strait will be reunified, according to a reliable poll.  (So why wait?  As an English idiom goes: procrastination is truly the thief of TIME.) 

I have to remind China Mainland of the mistake that made in Sino-British talk prior to 1997.  If someday peaceful talk, not Wutong, takes place, America will definitely play an important role whether you like it or not.  Take the experience of HK handover as a salutary warning, and be careful not to let those pirate descendants play tricks again. 


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2019/07/20 07:52

"最近在網上及LINE上見到越來越多(大陸網友寫的)韓寒式捧台文章。 不知有什麼貓膩。"


2019/07/19 08:21
韓寒已被歸類為詐騙分子,成了過街之鼠,已是明日黃花。 😄😄😄
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2019-07-20 07:16 回覆:
最近在網上及LINE上見到越來越多(大陸網友寫的)韓寒式捧台文章。 不知有什麼貓膩。