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2019/06/22 03:45:31瀏覽629|回應0|推薦16

"風呀,你要微微地吹,雨呀,你要輕輕地下.  我家小寶寶已經睡著了; 寶寶的眼睛像媽媽, 寶寶的鼻子像爸爸,寶寶的嘴兒俏, 像爸來呀又像媽。 睡覺吧,我的好寶寶,明早帶你去玩耍, 玩耍玩到外婆家."

Unconsciously, I crooned the lullaby to my newborn second granddaughter when my wife was holding her in the arms yesterday afternoon. You may not believe this: I have known the song for over 70 years. It is the lullaby that my mother or my grandmother sang to me when I was a little baby wrapped in shawl at Shanghai.  Since then I should have not heard the song again, should I? But how can I remember the lyrics and the tone of this slow, tender lullaby until now. It is so magic!

PS My dear granddaughter does not have to come to our place to play with us because right now my wife made and sent regimen meals everyday to my daughter for the so-called 坐月子。 FYI, I do not know the name of the lullaby, nor can I provide the music here; and I cannot find it online, either. But I could always remember it till the end of my days, and I do hope someday I could sing it again to my grand-grandchildren.

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