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2019/04/06 16:30:14瀏覽522|回應0|推薦16

You may have known subject famous excerpt of the poem by Ms Lin Huiyin,  or you may have watched its namesake TV drama series.  I had not watched the series except the part that Ms Liu Ruoyin was playing, for I know the playwriter must have made a false and far-fetched connection between the poem and the legendary "romance" of Ms Lin.  Later on, when Mr Liang Congjie, the son of Mr Liang Shichen and Ms Lin, visited Taiwan he claimed personally in an interview that the poem was written for him when he was just a little baby, not for anybody else. 

Mr Liang Congjie, a strict enviornmentalist, or somehow can be called a tree hugger, is one of the pioneers in the modern environment protection of China Mainland.  Maybe his deed deserves what his mother had expected from him: 人間四月天.  Attached below is a reportage concerning his life story at:    


PS  Well, time seems to fly.  It is April now!

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