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2018/12/09 23:12:50瀏覽353|回應0|推薦7

When you are walking on the streets of Taipei, you will find most of the street names are derived from the cities of Mainland in accordance with the different direction they are located.  Therefore, if you are familiar with China geography, you will easily estimate your whereabouts now in Taipei.  Who did bring this ingenious idea in to name the streets of Taipei?  Attached below is the story:  


I guess no one dares challange such a time-honored nomenclature and try to replace the existing street names with localized ones, not even DPP administration.  Besides the huge cost it may be, to change the names may infuriate China Mainland because the street name of Taipei has become one of few emotional connection with China left in Taiwan.

P.S.  Some big names in Mainland are not necessarily the same big streets in Taipei, e.g. Tianjing St. and Beijing Rd.(Beiping Rd.), and some big name has long been oblivious, e.g. Shanghai Rd. (Now is the place for CKS memorial hall.), while the name of a not well-known but a small, clean city at Korean autonomous district in Northeastern part of China has become the name of the most prosperous road of Taipei: Dunghua.  Some old names have already been changed in Mainland, but in Taipei they still remain as they are used to be, e.g. 迪化, 歸綏, 安東, and so on. 

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